The Simplicity of Ascension

We have all talked extensively about this seemingly complex process of awakening. What we are going through physically, emotionally, and mentally. There’s all types of programs, workshops, invocations, and information on ascension, embodied enlightenment and the light body process, and all of this is absolutely wonderful if it resonates with you. It is good to help your mind understand what is happening to it. But, at the end of the day,  the Ascension process is absolutely simple.

It is our mind that demands that it must be complicated. That it needs to be difficult. That it takes so many steps. But actually, it is just two steps. The first step is to make the soul choice to ascend.  You already made that choice. If you didn’t, you would not be reading these words or relating to these types of messages. So, your Ascension, your enlightenment is well under way. What stage of Ascension you are at does not really matter. There really is no point comparing yourself with anybody else on this path. So, to reiterate, step one is make the choice. Done.

The next step is to release the resistance. And that my dear fellow ascendee is what you are going through. Everything that you are experiencing right now, everything you have been experiencing in this lifetime, has been all about releasing the resistance. Every workshop, every book, every channeled message, is designed to help you to release your resistance. It is designed to help you to step out of the way so these energies can move through you. So that you can integrate your human and your divine self.  It almost doesn’t matter what words are used. Because in actuality it really isn’t the words that are so important as it is the energies that are being moved. The words are often just a distraction so that the mind can sink its teeth into something while the actual work is being done. This may sound overly simplistic, but it is exactly what is happening.

Now, how complicated or difficult do you want it to be? In fact, your Ascension is guaranteed, whether you complete it in this lifetime or another. There is no judging any of that. Your beauty, your magnificence and your light are completed. There is really nothing you have to do to create that. That is a given. It would be like saying God needs to improve on itself.

So, the good news is that you as the human personality really don’t have much to do here in your Ascension. In fact it’s more of a not doing and most people are very bad about the not doing part. And that is because we are still rather addicted to the challenge. We can’t wrap our minds around what life would be like without some sort of hurdle, or challenge to overcome. I won’t get into why that is since I have already covered that in other posts. But suffice it to say that you as the human personality really don’t need to try to improve on that personality. You can stop trying to perfect that part of yourself. You don’t have to try to change any of the beliefs that you hold. That is just a huge waste of time and energy. All the positive thinking workshops in the world are not going to do much for you in your Ascension process. That is just trying to train your human self to do something that it really is not designed to do.

In fact if you look back on those types of techniques, how well did they work really?  Affirmations.  If repeating an affirmation helps you to begin to feel the way you want to feel, then it’s good.  But more often than not, it’s just a way to try to convince yourself of something you just do not believe.  Saying, I am healthy over and over does no good if you feel unhealthy or do not believe you are worthy of health.  The universe picks up the strongest signal and reflects that back to us.  If we are saying one thing but are convinced of another, It will pick up the signal of the strongest conviction.  Our thoughts do not create reality but if we keep thinking and thinking a thought until we begin to feel that on a deeper level, then we create from that resonance.  For the most part thoughts are mental.  Let’s face it, if we created with every thought that went through our minds imagine the chaos.

So your human self is working too hard at this.  It is exhausted.  It truly doesn’t want to be responsible for your health, for your abundance, for your passion or for your Enlightenment.  It can’t.

You are doing so much better than you realize.  You are probably being hard on yourself, and that is understandable.  Your human, singular self has no past reference to a truly joyful life experience, a life that includes the soul.  You can claim your health, your abundance and your joy, but not from your human personality.  The part that your human personality plays in your ascension is to allow this process.  Nurture yourself as much as possible.  Turn down the dial on the station that gives you all the mind’s fears and concerns, and turn up the dial on the station that has your soul singing to you.  Tune into that station.  It’s there.  You are hearing it more and more.  The signal was weak before.  But it’s getting stronger.  Just listen for it.  You will hear your soul’s sweet song to you.  And as that happens, you will notice that those parts of you that were so resistant will begin to soften. They will notice that you were not trying to change them so much. It is amazing how this actually does transform energies.

There will be lots of thinking going on. You can’t stop the thinking from your mind. It’s not about stopping anything. It’s not about trying to fix anything. It is just about allowing all these energies that are being transformed to do what they need to do.

Someone asked, “If I just stopped reading all these messages on ascension, and just relaxed and watched Netflix or T.V. and just didn’t think about ascension any more, would I still ascend?”  And the answer is, YES.  But only if your resistance is released.  There is no one way to become enlightened.  And there is definitely no perfecting ourselves before we invite our Christ Consciousness into our body and our life.

Well, I did say that Ascension is simple, but I didn’t say it was easy. But it can be easier if we just release the resistance and allow this transformational process to do what it is doing anyway.

copyright © 2015, Maria Chambers, All rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others, post on your blog, your Facebook page, etc, but maintain this article’s integrity by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers at

Trying No Longer Works

Trying-By-HomerAs I listen to conversations around me at the cafe, I hear people saying, “I am trying to lose weight.  I’ve been trying to eat less.  I should get back on the treadmill.”  I also hear things like, “I’m trying to save money.  I’m trying to cut my expenses.  I shop at Walmart all the time but I still can’t get ahead.”  Then there’s “I work so hard on my relationship.  I’m trying to make it work.” Continue reading “Trying No Longer Works”

Push The Easy Button

What thought makes you feel more ‘normal?’ or more like you will be accepted?  That you created something (A new car, money, a healing, more joy and peace, etc) easily, without much effort or no effort, or that you worked really hard to create it?

That is an important distinction, because it’s the difference between the old and new consciousness.  In the old energy, it was considered noble to have worked hard for an accomplishment.  Having something come easily was viewed as suspect, as ‘good luck’ or just strange.  How many times did you hear someone say, “he doesn’t deserve that (windfall, car, job, etc. ).  He just sits around and does nothing, he’s just a lazy bum!”  Or, “she gets everything just handed to her.”

Deservability.  Somewhere along the line we became hypnotized into believing that we had to work for what we wanted, that things don’t come easily, that if they do, there is something wrong, there will be a price to pay, and that there’s “no free lunch.”  So, as we awaken to our true selves, to our divinity, and as we remember that we are creator gods pretending to be human, we may have some initial conflict.  We may slow down or stop our creations because, since they come more easily we feel undeserving, or we fear that we stand out from the crowd just a little too much.

We may be putting off our prosperity for that reason.  What if we appear to be too different.  We’ve been killed in other lifetimes for being different. So we may still carry that fear around.  As we look around us we see people working hard, one, two, sometimes three jobs just to survive.    Over the years I would often ask a friend, if they won a million dollars, what would they do, and every one of them said they would first share it with friends and family.  One even said he would travel the country giving it away to the needy ones.

While this on the surface may sound noble, it betrays a belief that they are not worthy of enjoying the money.  It’s why most people end up broke after winning millions of dollars.  They simply can’t justify having their dreams come true.  Of course in some cases they discover that money does not buy happiness, but that’s another story.

A friend of mine, a veteran, said he feels guilty receiving more money from the government for his service to his country because maybe he will be taking it away from those who “deserve it more”.  The belief that there is not enough to go around, the belief in lack is so strong.  But it is inaccurate.  Simply put, EVERYONE HAS ACCESS TO THE SAME ENERGIES.  Everyone has the ability to create what they want and need, and if they are not in the vibration of receiving it, you can hand them one million dollars, and they will lose it in short order.

In the past (this or past lives) we may have misused power or money, so we vowed never to do that again.  Our beliefs around receiving are coming up to be released.  We are coming to understand that we are worthy, simply because we exist.  We are beginning to understand that it’s o.k. to just allow the good stuff to roll.  And in the new energy, it’s all about allowing, it’s the feminine energy of receiving.

And, once people on this planet recognize their ability to create easily what they are wanting and needing to make their stay here more enjoyable, it will level the playing field.  No one will feel jealous of someone else’s stuff, there won’t be battles and power struggles, there won’t be feeding off each other’s energies, because people will recognize that they are sovereign.

And when the question comes up, if someone asks why do you want more money, health, passion, etc, the answer will simply be, “Because I can.”