Raindrops keep falling on my head


“Men aren’t supposed to cry except at funerals and the Grand Canyon.”  ~ Ron Swanson from Parks and Recreation

Today was an interesting demonstration of the metaphor of water.  First, it was a rainy day, with intermittent showers, not unusual for this time of year in Florida.  But it’s been especially stormy because of some influencing hurricane and tropical storm activity in the Atlantic Ocean.

It’s hurricane season and it’s nature’s way and the way of consciousness to clear stuck energies.

So, onto the stories.

Continue reading “Raindrops keep falling on my head”

Coming Home


This 2020 Reflections post is part of the Litebeing’s Change Challenge with the theme: How have you changed internally? Can you share some new thoughts, ideas, projects, attitudes that have sprung up as a result of your evolution (of the past year of 2020)?

Click below for audio version

I can safely say that this past year, this year of the Corona virus, and of political and social unrest, my dragon has dredged up some deep inner issues. One of which was a physical issue that has been both terrifying and humbling.  

One that sent my mind into fear, anger and hopelessness.

Continue reading “Coming Home”