Coming Home


This 2020 Reflections post is part of the Litebeing’s Change Challenge with the theme: How have you changed internally? Can you share some new thoughts, ideas, projects, attitudes that have sprung up as a result of your evolution (of the past year of 2020)?

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I can safely say that this past year, this year of the Corona virus, and of political and social unrest, my dragon has dredged up some deep inner issues. One of which was a physical issue that has been both terrifying and humbling.  

One that sent my mind into fear, anger and hopelessness.

But the truth is the issue also pushed me into a deep connection to my soul, and a trust I have never experienced before.  It’s easy to trust our soul when things seem to be going well, but when our life feels like it’s falling apart, it’s much harder to believe in this transformational process.

Or that we are going to be able to embody spirit in this lifetime.

But I reached a point of do or die, in which I wouldn’t settle for anything less than experiencing the trust, and the joy, of my soul. I would walk this planet as a realized Master, or not at all.

To the average human, that sounds kind of crazy. But as a human who is in the process of integrating her eternal self, her soul, it’s right on target.

But it doesn’t happen all at once.  It takes time and it is touch and go.  It’s like any new relationship where both people are getting to know one another.  In this case, me and my soul. Can you imagine a melding of a skeptical, limited, and defensive human mind, with a trusting heart and a joy-filled, limitless and realized soul?

Not that my soul wasn’t right here with me all the time…..but the illusion of separation has been slowly dismantling.


Image from

This year yielded other deep issues to be acknowledged and cleared.  There was a financial scare, and then a relationship challenge.  Old fears were brought front and center, and I decided to accept them, and just invite my soul in to transform them for me. Fear was a big one, and shame and guilt. Feeling these emotions was uncomfortable, but I sensed they were coming up now for a final clearing. That sense of guilt for thinking I got things wrong, and for feeling obligated to take care of others emotionally…..this has been the year of clearing out all of that.

Fear of being abandoned by my soul. Feeling so vulnerable and alone in this very dense body and environment. The fear of living in a less than free human experience was very frightening.

I realized that I wasn’t here to depend on other humans but to completely surrender to the part of me that has been responsible all along for my care, my very soul.

So there it is:  the three critical issues we as humans seem to be dealing with.  Health, finances and relationships.  And, through those, the most important experience of all, feeling, sensing and seeing life from my soul’s perspective, and becoming fully conscious.

So, my dragon, the part of my soul that’s making sure I am well prepared for my embodiment, has been quite busy this year.

And what I learned through all these challenges is that things do work out.  Maybe not exactly like the human would expect.  But usually much, much better.

But I also learned that I had to experience some very uncomfortable emotions in the process.  And the most critical thing I learned is that, if I wanted to stay here as a conscious being, I had to surrender my life, my health, and my financial abundance to my soul.

Which meant I had to give up trying to figure things out for myself.  That was hard.

And it still challenges me.  But it’s the only way this works going forward.  Otherwise it’s going to really hurt to the point of not wanting to be here.

But that’s a good thing.  Because it’s those critical crossroads, those do or die moments, that shift our inner perspective from the frightened and doubt-filled human to the joy filled and confident soul.

I’ve been learning this past year that it’s not for my human self to figure anything out.  Especially as it relates to my embodied enlightenment. And when things seem to be going downhill, I now know that it’s just part of the process. That I’m just where I need to be.

Some people in 3D claim that the world is falling apart and it’s just getting worse and worse and we’re all headed for self-destruction, especially because of the Corona virus. They point out all the damage it seems to have brought to the economy and other systems.

But what appears to be chaos, and things disintegrating, is just symptomatic of change.  Of the old moving out and making way for a new perspective. It’s a clearing and cleansing.

And now I apply that truth to my own life, and my own body.

What appears to be a hopeless situation is simply the old energy clearing to make way for the new consciousness.  It’s making way for the light body.  For the soul.

And, it does take time, and that’s o.k.  

It’s such a gift that this past year, when many found themselves staying home more, I found myself coming home to my sweet and loving and capable  soul.

And from that place, life has no choice but to serve me in the most fulfilling way.

© Copyright 2020 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

21 thoughts on “Coming Home

  1. Maria,
    I so appreciate how you write with such vulnerability and clarity. This is what brought me to your blog in the first place. I am now a bit more inspired to leave my struggles to my soul and Source to handle as I continue to have a full plate. I also long for mastery and embodiment of spirit. Perhaps this crisis point is what Source implemented to give us the time and motivation allow more of life to birth us anew.

    blessing with gratitude,
    Linda ❤

    1. Linda, you say it well, “ Perhaps this crisis point is what Source implemented to give us the time and motivation allow more of life to birth us anew.”

      And thank you for your kind words and for the opportunity to take the CHANGE CHALLENGE.

      Blessing to you and thank you for your light on the planet.❤️

      1. marguerite

        Dear Maria

        I feel terribly discouraged these days, walking in a desert with sand in my
        mouth, and feeling the way no longer realy makes any sense.
        Is that a normal state along the path.?

        love Marguerite

        1. Marguerite, interesting you should ask that question, because I was just talking to a dear friend who felt bad about losing his direction and judged it as a negative thing. I explained that there has never been an enlightened being who has gotten to their enlightenment without some crisis, without feeling lost, without feeling like life as they know it no longer makes sense.

          Especially for the pioneers of this transformation….which you are a pioneer. It’s always hardest on the first ones going through it. It’s going to be easier for those who follow. We are paving the way.

          But I can say with certainty, you are just where you need to be. Those emotions are part of the process. They are an indication that you are going through a major transformation, of your mind, your body, and your life.

          The mind is the last to catch up, along with the body. But they will. Just keep allowing your soul to do what your mind isn’t capable of. Your soul is fully in charge of your enlightenment. 💕

          1. marguerite

            Dear Maria

            How soothing and reassuring .
            Thank you for responding to me!

            Big HUG and gratedul thoughs
            from Marguerite

    2. elizabethsadhu


      Beautiful. Yes yes yes!

      “And the most critical thing I learned is that, if I wanted to stay here as a conscious being, I had to surrender my life, my health, and my financial abundance to my soul.

      Which meant I had to give up trying to figure things out for myself. That was hard.”

      Oh my gosh. So perfect. Such a great reminder. FAITH in that SOUL of ours. Guiding the perfect DIVINE way. And we ARE divine.


      And I will sit with the challenge and ponder some of the intense and beautiful things from this year.

      ♥️♥️♥️ “It’s such a gift that this past year, when many found themselves staying home more, I found myself coming home to my sweet and loving and capable soul.”

      Love you so much!


      loving myself so I can love ALL my neighbors.

  2. Pingback: Litebeing’s Change Challenge – litebeing chronicles

  3. Thank you dear, sweet siSTAR, for your lovely comment. This year has been a doozy for sure, and it’s great to reflect on all of the blessings it created for each of us, in each our own way. So happy you’re on the planet my friend. Love you tons.l.l💕💕💕

  4. Barbara

    “But what appears to be chaos, and things disintegrating, is just symptomatic of change. Of the old moving out and making way for a new perspective. It’s a clearing and cleansing.”

    Beautiful essay, Maria, thank you. As I read the above sentences, once more I realized I am micro in the macro of the Divine. Actually, I feel it, more than I can express it.

    Love to you and my Almond Sisters, B.

  5. mm

    “And the most critical thing I learned is that, if I wanted to stay here as a conscious being, I had to surrender my life, my health, and my financial abundance to my soul.

    Which meant I had to give up trying to figure things out for myself. That was hard.”

    You’re speaking for me as well. Blessings to you, Maria, and thank you for being here and for sharing this.

  6. Brilliant! Thank you so much, Maria. 🙏You just put into clear beautiful words and expression my experience amd revelation for this year. Thank you for sharing! Blessings and Love to you, my dear friend 🙏✨🤗💖

  7. Reblogged this on litebeing chronicles and commented:
    Please enjoy this challenge offering from Maria at soulsouthinsounds, She is new to my circle and kindly agreed to add her story to the mix. Maria has a way to take complex concepts and philosophies and translate them so that they can be received by the heart and soul. I usually experience more peace after visiting her blog and hope you will as well. She writes about the workings and”mechanics” of surrender and transformation with such clarity. I am so glad I found my way to to your blog this year Maria and I am grateful for your presence and light.

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