The Divine Feminine Speaks To Men

Well, hey there, fellas! I’m the Divine Feminine, and I’ve got a message for you adventurous dudes out there leading the charge from carbon to crystalline-based reality. Yep, you’re at the forefront of a shift in consciousness that’s turning heads and raising eyebrows!

Kudos to you, brave souls, for not taking the easy road. You’re more into the scenic route, and boy, do we have a journey for you! See, you’re here to high-five your inner Divine Feminine and get cozy with the real reasons behind your earthly existence.

But wait, there’s more! You’re also here to heal those boo-boos of your Masculine, Feminine, and inner kiddo. These wounds came from that unfortunate game of hide-and-seek with your Divine Presence and your soul.

So, how do you patch things up? Well, it’s as simple (and not-so-easy) as inviting your soul to join the party in your body and life. This may mean dipping your toes into the pool of feelings like sadness, grief, and abandonment. But, hey, who doesn’t love a good emotional rollercoaster, am I right?

Now, as men, you’ve been told that feeling life on a sensual level is a no-no. But let’s bust that myth right here, right now. The recipe for success in this wild light body integration experiment requires both men and women to embrace the sensuality of life through their souls. No ifs, ands, or buts!

See, I never meant to make you feel like I ghosted you. But you guys got lost in a quest to find whatever you thought would please me. And in that journey, you ended up feeling like I disappeared. Bummer, huh?

But hey, no hard feelings! We’re turning a new leaf now, and you guys are patching things up with your beloved feminine. You’re trusting her, leaning on her to create the life you want, and treating each other with love and respect. It’s about time, right?

Now, gents, here’s the catch: you’ve got to let go of your mind’s iron grip on your life. Open up that heart of yours and dive into the world of emotions. Don’t worry about the heart issues that might come with it; it’s just old, stuck energy doing the cha-cha out of your system.

And while you’re at it, let’s chat about that inner child of yours. That little dude is just itching to hang out with you. He’s full of joy, but he needs you to listen and give him some attention. You might find that he’ll help you see the world with fresh eyes and a newfound zest for life.

With that new mindset, you’ll trade pushing and striving for chilling and trusting that things work out just fine without breaking a sweat.

You’re all rocking this journey like the champions you are! And remember, I’m always here for a chat when you need me. Your Divine Feminine’s got your back.

Much love, and namaste, bros!

I am deeply grateful that you took the time to read my blog post! Your support and uplifting words truly mean the world to me, and I genuinely appreciate your presence in my life. Thank you for joining me on this transformative journey.

©️ Copyright 2023 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers

4 thoughts on “The Divine Feminine Speaks To Men

  1. B'David

    “The Sunny Son, His Mother and The Father”
    By – Anonymous (SLYLY…but not really)

    The Journey of a boys soul; the incarnate soul…love divided by the heart through sun-colors, warmth flowering – he ascends reversing time to present a bright coal made clear and bright; the best of what a hard life may afford him when the life of love ends…alone, the journey never descends.

    He once, a sunny son; Nestled warm against her; her charge reigns down softly waxed and then, for days Waynes. he warmed by his own hot heart where care is assured by light from within tethered to her changing heart…so he is forever made whole by her; held by the mother as all to him.

    Her Divine Mate; the masculine mirrors her for their child. He held by both within himself.

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