It’ll Never Be The Same


It’s hard to believe that over a year has passed since the pandemic hit the planet.

My local Starbucks has finally reopened their indoor dining, and just in time, before the heat and humidity eclipse the joy of sipping coffee outdoors. So our little coffee clutch has resumed in the comfort of air conditioning.

But it’s not the same. Something has changed profoundly.  The planet has shifted its consciousness, even if we don’t necessarily see it reflected in the news.

Many of us have shifted in profoundly personal ways.  We may be continuing our usual routines, but not with the same perspective as before. Some things are no longer of interest to us, and other things, even the mundane ones, have taken on a new life.

Some of us have had deep challenges this past year, either emotional or physical, or a combination of both.  Some of us even to the point of wanting to just throw in the towel entirely.

And for a few of us, the challenges we faced have awakened an even deeper desire to see this transformation through.

Our appreciation of life has been renewed, and we are beginning to see life through the eyes and senses of our soul.

Our neighbors, our friends and family may not appear to have shifted as much as we have, but we are, after all, the forerunners of this incredible transformation.

For me one of the hardest challenges has been the physical body, and I have discovered that even if my mind has let go of my past, the physical body tends to hold onto past trauma and patterns and stories.  It has its own resistance to the soul’s light. But the whole transformation from human to divine human involves letting go of the old trauma and stories that defined us as the human.

In our heart, we want to let go of those stories, at least of the perspective that makes us victims.  Because we know that if we hold onto that perspective, it just cements those patterns into our being.

But at the same time, our mind and body are so addicted to the stories as a way to feel, and as a way to define ourself.  And those stories always involved some form of abuse. Whether those stories involved our parents, our role as a woman, a man, or any other limitation we used.


So there may be many emotions surfacing during this transformation, whether it’s fear, sadness, anger, hopelessness, even boredom….and the best thing we can do is to allow them all.  Feel them physically and emotionally, don’t run from them. But don’t assume we need to attach a story to them.

That will just hold them to us.

It’s challenging to let them go, and just let our soul integrate them or transform them.  But once we do, then we will feel those past experiences from our soul’s perspective.  Our soul isn’t into reminiscing about the past and all of the details, or becoming re-traumatized by that past.

Our soul simply and gracefully synthesizes the wisdom from all the experiences we had. And then we feel that in our mind and our body.  Then our mind and our body can receive the energies of balance.

We now have the benefit of sensing life like we could never do before. Because life from our soul’s perspective is very sensual. Our soul’s perspective is one of deep sensuality.

This transformation, I have come to realize, is all about a profound shift in perspective.  And from there, life has no choice but to serve us in a profoundly new way.

© Copyright 2021 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

16 thoughts on “It’ll Never Be The Same

  1. elizabethsadhu

    Thank you so much, dearest Maria SiSTAR Goddess……

    I love the synchronicity of this. AS usual. ❤ ❤
    I have been really delving into the profound allowing, as I like to call it, of ALL my emotions. Not judging, just letting them be.
    "So there may be many emotions surfacing during this transformation, whether it’s fear, sadness, anger, hopelessness, even boredom….and the best thing we can do is to allow them all. Feel them physically and emotionally, don’t run from them. But don’t assume we need to attach a story to them."

    So much is shifting and changing. AND the physical has been so f'in intense. I hear you LOUD and CLEAR!!! AND I am sending lots and lots of love….

    Love to us all

  2. Yes indeed, some stories are stickier than others to release. When I stay in my heart and feel my way through, I know what is best for me. We are transforming and living much more from soul. Thd stories are fading. This is an amazing time to be alive and observe the shift. Love to you my friend 💜

  3. Barbara

    Well said, Maria. “Then our mind and our body can receive the energies of balance.” I’m having to relearn discerning what is ‘my stuff’ and what is ‘not my stuff’. Toughest planet in the WHOLE Universe, methinks, to stay balanced. But then I guess that’s the challenge and Soul knows best. I have to say I’m not much enjoying the aging process… i.e. I understand now that old expression, “The mind is willing, the body is not.” Thank you for your thoughtful and soothing article. Love, B.

  4. Yep, Barbara, it’s a challenge for sure when the mind is willing and the body is not!

    And when you really consider it, this Earth environment isn’t really the natural state of our sou self, is it? We’ve had to compress and condense our SELF into bodies that are very dense and limited.

    It’s no wonder we feel uncomfortable so much of the t8me.

    But what’s amazing about our transformation into light body is that the old physical body isn’t going to be the same.

  5. Kat

    Dear Maria

    Have you ever experienced another wave of painful emotions that caught you kinda by surprise, because you thought you were completely done with the process and wouldn’t have to go through anything remotely similar again, because you feel you’ve transformed old stuck energies not for one but for 100 lifetimes?
    That’s what I’m in now and it doesn’t feel pretty. I wonder if you or anyone else can relate.

    1. Hi Kat. Nice to hear from you. Funny, you came to my consciousness just yesterday.

      As far as the emotions, you’re definitely not alone. It could be a few things. Sometimes we are picking up emotions from the collective consciousness. Especially now, after the seeming chaos of the pandemic. Humanity is going through its own awakening, and because we have been more sensitive to energies than ever before, we are feeling the intensity like never before.

      Also, for many of us, it’s a final clearing of any issues or energies that have been stuck in our mind, and especially in our body, because the body has a lot of old stuck energies from this and other lifetimes. Even if we have cleared most of the issues from our mind, we are still needing to integrate our enlightenment into our body, and the body is always the last to catch up.

      We are going through a tremendous transformation into light body, and the physical body has its own resistance to that and at the same time, wants it more than anything, so patience is needed. If it went too fast we could burn out all our systems.

      It’s important, I believe, not to try to fix or figure out the where the emotions come from. Try not to connect them to a story or a past experience, because that just reinforces them. It’s best to just allow the emotions to come up, if need be express them, cry, get angry, whatever it is….and in that way your soul can more easily transform them.

      There are also aspects of us from this and other lifetimes who want to integrate with us now, and that can be a reason we are feeling some intense emotions right now. Again, it’s not our job to bring them home, or integrate them. That’s our soul’s job. And it’s happening. Albeit way more slowly than any of us could have ever expected.

      1. Kat

        Hey Maria,

        so good to communicate with you again 🙂

        ” Funny, you came to my consciousness just yesterday.”

        You’ve been on my mind for the past couple of days. 🙂 We picked each other’s energies up it seems.

        “Also, for many of us, it’s a final clearing of any issues or energies that have been stuck in our mind, and especially in our body, because the body has a lot of old stuck energies from this and other lifetimes. Even if we have cleared most of the issues from our mind, we are still needing to integrate our enlightenment into our body, and the body is always the last to catch up.”

        Yeah it does feel like a final clearing and I do remember asking Spirit to help me get rid of the last part of stubborn old energetical crap . Maybe that is what it is, coupled with the new global energies. The body really catches up at the end doesn’t it. Like a really really slow snail.

        “It’s important, I believe, not to try to fix or figure out the where the emotions come from. ”

        That is such an important point. Because attaching stories really does add more anxiety. thank you for stressing that again!

        “Albeit way more slowly than any of us could have ever expected.”

        Say that again! hahaha

        Anyway, how are you? I hope all is super well in your life and you are feeling good!
        Much love from Berlin

        1. Yes, Kat, say that again, indeed!

          I’m doing well, all things considered. After about a year and a half of pandemic, the local starbucks is finally opened for indoor dining, and I’m getting back to my ritual of meeting friends for coffee. I still really enjoy that, and just relaxing at home, nature walks, and some binge watching Hulu and Amazon Prime.

          It’s about all I can do while still in the integration stage. And I am enjoying the synchronicities in my life more and more. It seems at this stage the ‘payoff’ is finally becoming more tangible. 😊

          1. Kat

            Good to hear that Maria! One series I absolutely binged on Prime was “Bosch”. It’s SOOOO GOOD. Have you seen it? If not I highly recommend watching it.

          2. I enjoyed watching it initially, but it seem to get a little too graphic in the violence, for me anyway. I have been wanting to revisit it and continue watching it because I remember how well done it is.

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