Pioneers of Change


Artwork by George Redhawk

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If you are reading these words, and relate to the material in this blog, you are a pioneer of change.  Your outer life may not seem to reflect that truth, and that’s because the changes have been inner ones.  And as we know, real change begins at inner levels.

Most people try to effect change by extracting from the outside, by effort and pushing.  They believe they must change the outer conditions first in order to feel the joy, the peace, and the balance.

That is because our mind has been conditioned to be at the helm of our life, and felt responsible for our life and our well being.

It was all part of the grand experiment.

When we look at the world of politics and social media, we see endless battles between groups and ideologies.  There are those who want change, and those who want to keep the status quo.

Whatever group you may feel affiliated with, there truly are no right or wrong groups or people.  It’s all just different perspectives.

But the problem is, each group seems to be trying to make the other side wrong, and trying to sway the opposite one in their direction.  

It simply doesn’t work.

And the same is true for our mind.  Our minds have lived for hundreds or even thousands of lifetimes on the planet in survival mode.   Its perspective tends to be more on the conservative side.  It’s cautious because of its history as the human.  There was danger around every corner, and the mind had to protect its human.

So we can’t really fault our mind for just wanting to protect us.

And by the way, this is true also for our body.  It has its own consciousness and is resistant to change.  It’s why there have been so many ascension, light body symptoms to contend with.

So we can’t condemn our mind or our body because they have been doing their best for us.  But there has been a lot of guilt and shame built into both over time.  The guilt of not serving us better.

And that’s on its way out.


Art by George Redhawk

Meanwhile, trying to force the mind or the body into the new way won’t work, and will just backfire.  We need to trust that when something needs to be done differently, we will know it on a deep level.

For example, there were many times when I tried using supplements or herbal remedies for certain ailments, and while they used to work, they now seem to do the opposite.  

Or I would keep forgetting to take the supplements.  These are examples of my soul nudging me to just allow things to be, so that she can resolve them her way.  So that the light body, which is our true, natural body, can come in and stabilize the physical body.

It has taken me a long time, but I’m beginning to trust that my soul and light body are very capable of taking care of my health and well-being without my interference.

Even if things seem to get worse for awhile.

So it’s a process and it does no good to try to shock the mind or body into change.  The soul of us knows just the right amount of change (light) for the mind and the body. It’s a gradual process for good reason.

Can you imagine that the grand part of you exists, is here with you, and is orchestrating your enlightenment, light body integration and realization?

But again, we are pioneers.  This is all new territory.  Most people wouldn’t understand what the hell we’re doing or even talking about. We struggle with it ourselves.  Or, our mind does.

But the best thing we can do is to just allow this process to unfold.  Not to question every symptom that comes up, whether it’s physical or emotional.  To just allow them to be.

Reminding ourself that there’s no right or wrong, good or bad, but just the most profound experience we will ever have.

© Copyright 2020 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

13 thoughts on “Pioneers of Change

  1. elizabethsadhu

    Oh, thank you so much, dear SiSTAR!!!
    “Most people try to effect change by extracting from the outside, by effort and pushing. They believe they must change the outer conditions first in order to feel the joy, the peace, and the balance.” I have been thinking about this so much. I like to say, “it’s an inside job”. AND it is so easy to get caught up in buying, eating, watching, etc etc etc.

    AND thank you SO MUCH for this. I needed these lovely reminders. I think I knew it at some point. ha! So easy to get caught up in that BODY!!!

    “Meanwhile, trying to force the mind or the body into the new way won’t work, and will just backfire. We need to trust that when something needs to be done differently, we will know it on a deep level.

    For example, there were many times when I tried using supplements or herbal remedies for certain ailments, and while they used to work, they now seem to do the opposite.

    Or I would keep forgetting to take the supplements. These are examples of my soul nudging me to just allow things to be, so that she can resolve them her way. So that the light body, which is our true, natural body, can come in and stabilize the physical body.

    It has taken me a long time, but I’m beginning to trust that my soul and light body are very capable of taking care of my health and well-being without my interference.”





  2. I absolutely love the artwork my dear❤ Maintaining balance, alignment and neutrality is where I find myself these days. Allowing it all, expanding into uncertainty and like you stated so clearly throughout this entire post….just being. This has been a hugely transformative year for me. I’m living my life on my terms, by my soul’s desires and not giving a damn about what anyone else thinks. Blessings and love to you dear Maria…another great post😁❤🎆🌠

  3. Pingback: Pioneers of Change – Emotional Musings

  4. Lyn

    I have to admit that I have become far too lured by the play of ideologies ‘outside’ lately. It’s not just that 3D views, different from mine, jar on me. Lately it’s been ‘you’ve got to be kidding me’ reactions when I see the ways leaders express and try to resolve differences. So much posturing, lack of self-accountability and playground type taunts of ‘well you can’t talk’ or just trying to throw insults from ’leaders’ on each side.
    I now see why politicians and diplomats have been 2 different callings. So much lack of smartness, good communication and understanding of other cultures by politicians.
    I find I have a habit of allowing these things to interfere with my peace of mind until I hear someone publicly expressing what I see. I then let go and think that at least someone else is representing that observation and can take it from there! As my views often are based on higher order spiritual understandings, I may be waiting a long time to hear that.

    I used to withdraw from news completely a while back. COVID changed that. Where I live in Australia, they seemed to be modifying restrictions often.and I felt a need to keep up with them. My State has now been completely COVID free for over a month but as they can still immediately reintroduce lockdown if a cluster appears (as happened in another State recently) I still scan news.
    It was easier when I was distracted by the US elections, but now the craziness (from my viewpoint) seems to be hitting Aussie news and is harder to avoid. Yet I know its only mirroring hidden stuff that has been there, and leaders somehow mirror the consciousness of the citizens.

    I totally agree that it’s about changing the inner conditions – starting with myself as always.
    I suspect that inner/outer focus differences underlie the split in the spiritual community. Many are wanting to get out of themselves and change the outer world, or getting snared in conspiracy theories.
    Many are also going along with whatever they are told in the ‘outer’ without truly running it past their inner self. I have had the ‘got to be kidding me’ reaction too with those who unquestioningly post messages purporting to channel historical figures (eg Kennedy – not a huge spiritual figure when he was here even if he showed wisdom in some areas – not kind to his wife I gather either), any random archangel (often giving negative or mundane information), or perhaps a fantasy figure (? Spotted salamander from the seventh sun perhaps). I have yet to see archangels helpfully giving ‘right’ fashion advice but it wouldn’t surprise me.
    My reactions and cynicism are flapping in the wind so I’m handing them over within. I agree as It never works to battle or mentally solve them by circling just what I know from the past.

    Namaste Maria

  5. Interesting point, Lyn, about the politicians vs the diplomats. As far as getting distracted with what’s going on out there, I tend to do it too a bit. Maybe out of boredom. Entertainment. Like watching a good t.v. soap, replete with the cast of characters from the man you love to hate to the supposed victims of same. I tend to root for those whose perspectives are closest to mine, and shake my head at the others. But all the while knowing that it’s just a tv show. And that it has nothing to do with me and with who I am. Including all the New Age or spiritual community. I don’t identify with either anymore. But I can’t spend too much time looking ‘out there’ either. It’s more just a quick check here and there, and then it’s on to other things.

    1. Lyn

      Yes, Maria. My guess is mine is motivated by boredom too. Just so little left that pulls me to engage with.. yet a day to fill.
      I think I have also been scanning for signs of outer change that reflect real inner progress of the whole. I realise that isn’t a fruitful use of time either.

      1. Yes, and that would be nice to see, but it seems evolution moves slowly. It’s why the Corona virus was introduced to humanity. To shake things up, and release stuck energies. But too much too soon won’t work either. But as we know there are many awakening now, more than ever before, to their true selves. And that goes a long way in effecting change in humanity. Those of us on the cutting edge have already made a profound shift in the consciousness of the planet in this one lifetime. It takes only a few thousand holding a balance to shift energies. Light works that way. Look how little light in our own life shifted us profoundly? And of course what appears to be chaos is just change.

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