Side Effects

Note:  This article is not intended to replace medical advice.

Most of you at one time or another have taken medicine for one thing or another.  You have also probably experienced some type of side effects from those medicines or drugs.

Even taking natural substances and supplements can cause side effects after a period of time.

What’s  happening is the body is reacting to the medicine or substance, and creating a whole new set of  symptoms.  You have probably heard the saying, the cure is worse than the disease.  

It can be very frustrating because you wanted some relief from the symptoms.  But in the body’s wisdom, it is trying to tell you something.  First by presenting the symptoms.   And then if you ignore the message, and try to approach the cure with an array of drugs or even a battery of natural remedies, without addressing the energy behind the symptoms, the body will deliver a stronger message.

It’s trying to tell you that there is another way.  There is a more direct way, to release the illness or the imbalance.

There is nothing wrong with using products to relieve pain, and to stabilize the body.  The danger is that it becomes easier to just keep medicating the symptoms and not address the energy discord that created the problem.

And in my own experience, when I ignored the messages from my body, and tried to deal with just the symptoms, another thing even worse cropped up somewhere else in my body to deal with.

It’s almost easier to put our faith in a product than in ourself, and in our body’s ability to rebalance itself.  But we are discovering, often in frustration, that it’s not working so well.

This isn’t about rolling our sleeves up and psychoanalyzing ourselves.  It’s really not even about finding the reason for the imbalance.  Most of those are inherited, and many are just from living here on planet earth where we tend to pick stuff up from others, from mass consciousness.

It really is a waste of time and energy trying to figure any of that out.

Photo by Maria Chambers


It’s really about allowing our Christ consciousness to do all the rebalancing.  But we as the human need to really allow it.  Not say, yeah, I’ll allow it, and then run around trying to find a cure.

When I get scared about a physical condition I will sometimes go to the doctor, and he or she would tell me the nature of the problem….at least from a medical standpoint.   It usually puts my mind to rest.  Because it was never as serious as I would imagine it was.  It was uncomfortable, even painful, and it was something that made my life more difficult, but at least I felt better knowing what it was.

Now, I am not one to go get regular checkups or blood tests or colonoscopies.  There are some things I would rather not know.  If something really is right there, in my face, and it triggers fears, I will go just to put my mind at ease.

You know…if it ain’t broke.

We can spend an inordinate amount of time, energy and money trying to keep our body together.  But, at the end of the day, our body is just going through a total transformation.  And this embodied enlightenment is new to the physical body.

Art by Maria Chambers

Interestingly, our light body, which is in the process of integrating with our physical body, is our real body, our soul’s vessel.  And it is also new to our light body to integrate so intimately with the physical body.

So there is an adjustment period for both the physical body and light body.

Meanwhile, the physical body is getting conflicting instructions.  It follows the most predominant consciousness.  One strong set of messages it gets is from the old ancestral system, and the other is from the Christ consciousness and the light body.



It’s  pretty depressing, isn’t it?

But those of us in this enlightenment trajectory have moved light years on inner levels.  We are not the same being we were even a short time ago.  We know it.  We feel it in our bones.

We also knew on a soul level that we were inheriting issues…some of us more than others…and that it would be uncomfortable as the light triggered long-standing illness.

On a soul level we also knew that we were capable of moving energies.  It’s what we do.  And there are lots of stuck energies that we inherited that need moving,  but it’s not to try to do it from our human personality.  That will leave us feeling defeated.

Art by Maria Chambers


So I came up with a system called A.R.T.  Which is simply to allow, relax and trust.  Sounds easy enough, and you don’t need a doctor’s prescription for it.  Oh, and it’s free.

Ironically, those are reasons why most people would not follow that system.

I find it so interesting that if a bottle of bovine colostrum is supposed to reverse the aging process, it will fly off the shelves at a price you can’t afford.  It’s easy to buy into the health game.  A product is seen as the cure because of the hype and the exorbitant pricing.  And it may even work…for a short time.

But long-term it won’t work if the energy imbalance isn’t addressed.

And generally, underneath every imbalance is fear.  And fear is the opposite of love.  It’s been said that people die from fear, not diseases.   Fear is not who we are.  But we have been hard-wired, as the human, to respond to life with fear, for survival purposes.  It was a type of warning that we need to protect ourself from unwanted energies.

Over time fear crystallized in our bodies in the form of dis-ease.  Our body took on our emotional imbalances much like our beloved pets do.  Those imbalances became part of our DNA and were carried down from generation to generation.

Consequently we may have inherited grandma’s varicose veins, or dad’s high blood pressure.  Or not.  But the predispositions are there.

Those of us who are undergoing the light body process have become aware that some of these predispositions have been triggered.  And even other ailments that have been buried in our cells for a long time.

So the problem is we tend to think we are going backwards, or we have done something wrong, when in fact it’s a sign that we are moving closer to our enlightenment.

We tend to compare ourselves to other people who seem to be healthy, but they are not going through this life altering process.

Someone asked, which symptoms are ascension related, and the answer is, all symptoms now are ascension symptoms.  From the smallest to the largest.  Anything that is not compatible with the light body will be triggered to be released.

And the less we interfere with that natural process, the better.  Trying to figure out the cause, whether it’s physical or emotions, puts us in our mind.  And, as soon as we are in the mind, we stop the flow.

If you can imagine a stream that is flowing into a larger body of water, and then damming that stream with rocks.  Now the flow is halted and even gets flooded.  If we can imagine the stream as our emotions, and that if we allow them, they will flow into the ocean of love and acceptance.

But if we attempt to impede them, they will get backed up and create more problems.

If any emotions come up now, whether they are anger, sadness, grief, guilt, or any other dark feeling….it’s best to just let them flow, to acknowledge them.  And if we do not try to suppress them, or analyze them….and especially if we do not try to make them our truth……we allow the natural process of integration and recalibration of body, mind and spirit.

And really, sometimes the best medicine, aside from large doses of self-acceptance and love, is a nice massage.  The body really appreciates that.

© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. P!ease feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

Enjoy my song, You Are A Miracle from my album, Soulful Sounds


104 thoughts on “Side Effects

  1. Elila

    Lol maria im the same way with doctors, checkups, tests, blahblahblah–i figure if i go looking for something im bound to find it, and doctors are being PAID to find SOMETHING, so im not going looking for trouble lol.
    Also i have found for myself that it all kinda leads back to being willing to be selfish enough to put myself first, and radical self care! And to just let go and let this process do its thing without freaking out. I remember you mentioning before that all symptoms are now ascension symptoms, and at that time i thought hmm yep that makes total sense, so i relaxed quite a lot and have been pretty blasè towards them since–like oh well WHATEVER!

    1. Yep, Elila, it’s too easy to get caught up in the health machine (Doctors, tests, MRI ‘s, drugs, etc.). I’ve witnessed too many friends and relatives go down that path and never get out. In fact, a cousin of mine said at one point that the only time she gets to socialize these days is going to the doctor. Whew.

      And it’s been a battle for me the past few years to just allow this process. I had a few physical scares that left me a bit traumatized….it took awhile to finally let go and relax into the knowing that it’s all being taken care of on a whole other level. And I agree that the self care is important. Nurturing the body, so that it feels that love coming from us. It’s very responsive to that love. Thank you again for sharing your experi ncs with us!💕💕💕

      1. Elila

        Wow YES Maria–i know so many people who are stuck in that cycle and never get out–what a perfect way to say it. And yep i feel ya on the scary as hell body stuff–i think ive perhaps just decided to embrace denial and use it in my favor lol? Like the less attention i give to those aspects that loom and want to scare me, probly the better off i am. And then just “waving it off”, or knowing its ascension helps too, and also i have a strong “knowing” maybe i could call it or inkling at least that whatever a doctor would want me to do is likely gonna be worse or make it worse, that its interfering and i need to stay out of the way? And that sort of stance is continuong to get stronger. Also the apathy that ascension imparts helps a helluva lot LOL. Besides, if any of it could kill me, well maybe i dont need to be afraid of that either cuz perhaps there would be relief in that too 😜😜💕
        More “f**k it musings LOL

        1. Good to hear you’re more and more trusting the ‘let it be’ attitude, and I concur about the ultimate relief in death, if it comes to that. Not afraid to die, but don’t care for being stuck here in a body that isn’t working well. It’s challenging enough being here without added ‘handicaps’

      2. Elila

        Oh i totally agree Maria–its maddening to be stuck here in a less than comfortable body, a body that absolutely does not reflect where i am in consciousness. That alone has come close to driving me completely crazy. It often feels like body is betraying me? The only thing that keeps me going is the idea that its temporary. I sure as heck wouldnt want to live the rest of my life this way, but i think i can manage if its just passing through? I also see 3D-ers around me who are struggling with much worse so that can even make me grateful its not worse. But its so confusing (& dissappointing even) that my body doesnt “match” me if that makes sense

        1. Yes, Elila, I have used that phrase myself….feeling betrayed by the body….disappointed, let down. And I can say with confidence that being the Masters, moving forward we need to be here in healthy bodies. And I agree, and have also said, I can endure it if it’s temporary, but I am not interested in playing martyr.

          It can be confusing that our body doesn’t match our evolving consciousness…but i believe it’s still responding to old programming and to the new us. It’s sort of in between both right now. And for that reason, we begin to really doubt ourselves.

          We have asked for this lifetime to be the lifetime of our rebirth into the New Energy. We didn’t want to wait for more lifetimes to make this transformation, consequently, we have been dealing with a shit load of energies being downloaded into our ancestral bodies.

          And those light encoded energies have been stirring up a shitload of old stuck energies to be spinned out. Some of us took bodies that had much more ancestral contamination than others. Not that we wanted this challenge, but it just happened that we incarnated in the same bloodlines to be with our family from the past lifetime.

          But we are letting go of even that now. The letting go is first on an emotional level. We as women are letting go of needing pain to give birth to ourselves. In the past we held onto pain as a way of serving humanity. Letting that one go is profound, Not too many women are ready to do that. But we are.

          So we are doing our best as the human to allow our soul in, and accept Just where we are, and as the Masters we allow life to serve us. As Masters we are confident that our body will transform.

          Beyond that, there is nothing left to do.

      3. Elila

        Yes yes yes to everything you just said Maria. Martyrdom runs THICK in my bloodline and i have no intention of perpetuating that shit either–that buck stops here. And your term “ancestral contamination” –f**king brilliant. That really clicked for me and gave me a shot of
        understanding /relief

  2. elizabethsadhu

    Thank you again, Maria! So confirming and validating and connecting……huge love and blessings to you and all here.

    Wow, so needing this right now. As much as I adore my life and my hubby, he is pretty in the 3D and into going to doctors, etc………..whenever he or our friends talk about getting older and what that means…..sometimes I say, “not me!” but mostly I just shut up…….My honey is also an amazing athlete….at almost 66 he just rode his bicycle over many mountain passes…..800 miles in 9 days. So, he accepts that I don’t want to do that kind of cycling anymore……. He has changed lots since we had our first amazing date…..26 years ago….so now as I write this I am hearing… the process… that all is in Divine timing……allowing…….all is perfect. I came up with the term “profound allowing” awhile back and it is perfect, eh? But I am knowing that for right now I don’t want to bustle around and be crazy active…… trying to find the balance with my honey.

    Anyway, there are times I feel so alone and so I really appreciate this place….this safe haven of understanding and kindred souls……thank you Maria…..and all of you here!

    I have always been so reluctant to go to doctors as they don’t look at things on a deeper level and as you stated in your last blog….certainly not on a spiritual level.. Ascension Doc, where are you? 🙂 🙂 My dear mentor/bf, who passed last October, was the best Ascension Doc ever! So I just have to keep shifting to a new way of communication with him.

    Thanks for being here—love to us all!

    1. Elizabeth…I commend your hubby for his staying in good shape….I have to admit, I have become less and less active these days….but I feel it’s a part of our process….the body needs more down time than before simply because it’s processing huge amounts of light. I wrote in a previous post that sometimes these ailments that keep us resting are a blessing in a way. Otherwise we would be running around doing god knows what, consuming our precious energies on projects, and on other people.

      And yes, we sure could use some awakened people in the medical profession.

      And, thank you dear siSTAR goddess, for reblogging on elizabethsadhu. Hugs and love to you.🌹💕💕💕

  3. Elila

    Maria and Elizabeth–
    Same here. I am not able to be nearly as active as im used to being. I used to run every day and now the amout of physical (or mental for that matter) activity i can manage keeps shrinking. And im requiring FAR more sleep, rest, quiet time, solitude, a calm environment, and WAYYYY less socializing! Cocoon anyone?

  4. elizabethsadhu

    Oh my gosh, sistars…..I am with you! When my honey and I were first dating I got into bicycle riding and was an animal…..compared to most folks….riding hundred miles, etc…..regularly……but I know I was doing it out of wanting my honey to love me (fer that he wouldn’t) …..bicycling was never my thing like it is my honey’s. It is his meditation…….

    But I can’t do that anymore…..and I delight in a more mellow pace…..I do love walking….and dancing…….but more quiet….more more more…..I can’t seem to get enough of it right now. 🙂

    Elila…..cocoon…..oh my gosh. does that sound blissful or what? 🙂

    We do have so many blessings that make us be mellow……..yay!

    Thank you dear ones for BEing here and I am thinking we are our own Ascension docs……..

    My heart is filled with so much love for my dear virtual sistar friends here…….

    xoxoxoxoxo ❤ ❤ ❤

      1. Elila

        Aaaaaa–MEN Maria–perfectly stated. Waiter! Another round of love for my family here–on me!

  5. sweet pea

    yes Maria so much to all of this 😩.

    Elila, word for word every single thing you wrote. i think you and me have always been in such perfectly similar places about this since we’ve met here. i just understand the soul craving you feel with this all. our souls are beautiful butterflies and yearning to be free, as just so so stuck in suffocating cocoons 😌, but our souls are hellbent to not give up until we are butterflies. we won’t ever be free until then 🦋

    this struggle is mostly the what my everything centers around anymore, but Maria the “simply to allow, relax and trust” is where i’ve basically surrendered to. what really has me in that place is a bit hard to describe, but i hope this makes sense…i think when this journey first started, i was trying anything and everything to patch up and make the best of *this body* as my home and my truth, but anymore, everything about this physical being i am in feels so completely wrong and foreign and not me. there really isn’t a single thing about it that feels like “me” anymore. and so that desperate patching and fixing and reworking and reshaping and all that efforting feels so empty and pointless…like trying to constantly repair an old car on it’s last leg, when really you hate that old car and it’s dying anyways, and your heart truly just wants a shiny new car lol. i guess that pointlessless of all the patching and fixing has just left me in a place of shoulder shrugs and letting go. no idea where that leaves me, but less kicking and fighting what is 😕 and yes so much Maria, no longer chasing down the symptoms and 3D reasons for it all. Maria i just really do resonate with your descriptions of how these things are inherited energy, so maybe the best way to speak how i’m feeling right now is that none of it is who i really am, and i’m just not going to let any of it feel as if it’s permanently part of me.

    so grateful to have y’all here to understand this stuff 💜 if anything, not being alone in it all is a comfort. 💜💜💜

    1. Well said, sweet pea…I love the old car analogy….that we now need to upgrade to the expensive sports car. Which is what is happening, albeit much slower than any of us figured it would be. But, when you look at what we have asked for, a total recalibration in just one lifetime….it’s going to be pretty intense…and it requires letting go of so much…our ancestors, our lineage, our past lives, our care taking roles, our holding energies for friends, family, and humanity. And just because we are willing to let them go, it doesn’t mean they are so willing to let us go.

      Energetically they want us to remain tethered to keep that bloodline going…

      Some of them are cheering us on, but some are doubling down on their efforts to keep us in the ‘family’. And I don’t necessarily mean our current biological family. But there are bodies of consciousness, living and dead, who are trying to pull us back.

      But the beauty is we don’t have to figure it out on a human level. We just have to let our eternal self take care of all of it. And, yes easier said than done.

      1. sweet pea

        good gracious Maria all of this resonates with me so so much!!

        “…And just because we are willing to let them go, it doesn’t mean they are so willing to let us go. Energetically they want us to remain tethered to keep that bloodline going… Some of them are cheering us on, but some are doubling down on their efforts to keep us in the ‘family’. And I don’t necessarily mean our current biological family. But there are bodies of consciousness, living and dead, who are trying to pull us back. But the beauty is we don’t have to figure it out on a human level. We just have to let our eternal self take care of all of it. And, yes easier said than done…”

        and i feel that latching on of those energies tangled in my mind… like to where those energies try to convince me it’s me and shape my perception of who i am. i feel like i have to keep choosing to not those energies it convince me they are who/what i am, but keep choosing to be worth more than those old stories and limitations. it’s such a mix subtle but powerful energies that weave themselves within our own true energy. that’s so much of why this post resonates with me…the more i try to problem solve and chase down symptoms, the more energy i give to those energies that are not mine to fix or even fuss over.

        thank u so much always Maria for your brilliant understanding of things 💜💜💜

        1. You say it perfectly, sweet pea:

          “I feel like i have to keep choosing to not let those energies convince me they are who/what i am”

          And the operative word is ‘choose.’ Because it’s a moment to moment choice, until it just isn’t an issue anymore. It just gets easier. And this:

          “The more I try to problem solve and chase down symptoms, the more energy I give to those energies that are not mine to fix or even fuss over.”

          Spoken like a true Master. And thank YOU, sweet pea, for sharing your own unique brand of wisdom here with us.🌹💕

      2. sweet pea

        sorry lol i meant “i feel like i have to keep choosing to not let those energies convince me they are who/what i am”


    2. Elila

      Hi sweet pea!! You know girl i was thinking of you when i wrote that bit about the body not matching, and how YOU always describe the feeling so perfectly and trying to say it as well as you! Your junker car analogy is spot on. I feel like a ’79 Buick lumbering about sputtering and groaning and using tons of gas–and what i feel like inside is a zippy efficient 2018 Tesla!!! The dissonance is maddening. And i have no more will to patch up the buick either–it seems so futile.
      And the butterfly metaphor has always resonated so deeply for me! And what you said about “not mine to fix or fuss over”–that totally struck me and is soooo perfectly stated–another moment of clarity. Im so glad you’re here, love! This family of masters ROCKS 💙

      1. sweet pea

        yes Elila 💜💜💜 in 3d life the physical is seen as superficial and separate from who we are, so it shouldn’t matter, but how i feel about these things with the physical body do matter to me, they just do, and over the years trying to ignore how i feel about it all made me feel more hopeless? coming here and grasping more of an understanding of how those of us going through this are starting to merge the physical with our soul, and that’s why we feel the way we do about what we want from our physical beings is just so comforting. like permission to just honor what we feel as valid 💜

  6. Hi Maria – So I agree, that we need to stop all the trying to “fix” ourselves through addressing symptoms BUT – I believe the physical *does* benefit from being supported during this process. Removing things causing inflammation (foods one is sensitive to, fluoride in water et cetera) while providing bioindividualized supplementation that pretty much all human bodies need because our environment/food/water supplies have so compromised both helps the body ease through detox or ascension cycles faster and without such intense physical discomfort, while also supporting the body at carrying a higher vibration. This is just my opinion and experience, of course. The process WILL continue without that sort of support, I think it’s just much more drawn out, less efficient, and more uncomfortable. Thanks as always for your writing and perspective ❤

    1. sweet pea

      lamouretlamusique yes it has been very true for me too that my body still very much needs physical things… for me it has been detox especially…i need this every day just to survive and not feel like a toxic prison… i have very real physical chronic illness that asks for all kinds of care and attention to be given to my body…but i think what’s different for me now is i’ve come to where what i do physically is based on intuition and giving love to my body. like i think the less 3 your process becomes your body starts to have your own unique things it asks for, vs universal shoulds, and i think for me it’s now about just listening to what my body asks and being loving and caring to it rather than chasing diseases and symptoms or making decisions out of fear. 💜

    2. Yes I agree the body still needs our support, in whatever way resonates with us. It’s definitely a balance of trust and self care.

      Another thing I have discovered in all of this is….how profoundly our consciousness affects our body. And it may seem oversimplified, but the question of…do we really want to be here? Do we feel a passion for life here as a souled being? Because that has a profound affect on our body, on our finances, and everything else.

      Because many of us are still on the fence about that. We may say, “of course I want to be here. If I had better health, or more money to enjoy life, I would want to be here for sure.”

      But I challenge that with, if we are fully committed to being here, and to Feeling the sensual joys of being here in a physical body…and that can only happen through allowing our soul to be in our body just as it is……then our body would naturally respond to that joy. It would have no choice.

      But if we are waiting for this or that to happen in order to feel a commitment to being here, we will just get that energy reflected back…a waiting energy…a just enough energy….just enough health, finances, etc.

      Sometimes these health issues or financial ones seem to loom over everything else, but I have to wonder is it because we are feeling dispassionate right now. A natural part of this process, but it can cause us to overfocus on our issues.

      Not to diminish the pain, but I am beginning to see a pattern at least in myself where I can substitute a little drama about my issues for true sensual feelings that come from only my soul.

      1. sweet pea

        yes Maria so so true 💜💜💜

        lately i’ve become a lil’ more committed to staying – but it’s for certain with “buts”… i’m not committed to the actual going out and living of life “out there” if this body is going to be my home as it is for good. and honestly i feel it’s not fair for me to be asked to do so if this body doesn’t transform? i’m physically just not capable 😞 most days just being in this body is excruciatingly exhuasting/painful/suffocating, so i feel like just staying put in my body is committing? that kinda describes where i’ve been stuck for years… i’m willing to stay here and do this thing, but i’m gonna hide in my home and be a hermit until y’all give me something more to work with 😁

        1. Yes sweet pea I understand…and of course I can only speak from personal experience, but at times it does feel like a catch 22….when I am feeling that soul connection, and that sensuality, my physical conditions (there are a few)… don’t seem to distract me in those moments….it has taken me a while to be able to tap into that state of consciousness, as I’m sure you know.

          And at the same time, the discomfort I feel at times physically sure doesn’t make it easy to feel the joy of being here.

          And I too am becoming more and more solitary in my lifestyle. As you too understand, it’s much more satisfying being in my own company these days than most other people.

          I don’t think any of us knew how daunting this light body process would be. Not even our spiritual friends and family on the ‘other side’.

      2. sweet pea and Maria, thank you both for replying ❤ I certainly can identify with the "waiting" space – even, and almost especially with respect to this whole "process"! "When I'm done detoxing" or "when all my healing reactions subside" then my life will look like xyz. No, no, no. I can intellectually realize that ascension is not meant to "arrive" anywhere per se but actually embodying that is…something that happens naturally as we balance and integrate, it seems.

        My main point was that we can assist the body in going through this process as expediently and safely as possible. For example now so many people are doing ayahuasca and things like that to FORCE consciousness or energy to move in a way that is not supported in the body. I personally align most with the principles of nutritional balancing, but it's certainly not a quick fix either – I just think it provides the physical body with all the support it needs to move through healing reactions in the safest and fastest way. For example I was chatting with my medical intuitive one time (who channels nutritional balancing information for his clients), I was lamenting about how within the first 3 or 4 months on his protocol I had gained some weight, 10 or 15lbs. Not much but enough to be very triggering for someone with my past. However if you google around about ascension weight gain it is VERY common and many people gain much more than that, upwards of 40/50+ pounds. In fact it's one of the most universal ascension symptoms, it seems. When I described this to him, he said that yes – if your body is not properly supported during ascension (or when we consciously wake up to the fact that we ARE ascending) then many of the detox symptoms and healing reactions can be quite extreme. I just use that as an illustrative point. Ok rambling now 🙂

        1. lamouretlamusique…speaking of weight gain, in my early stages of light body integration I gained almost twice my body weight…I was always very skinny all my life no matter what I ate, and so when I went from about 100 lbs to about 170 lbs, I was so uncomfortable, emotionally and physically…. but over time the weight just came off by itself. I am about 140 lbs now, which feels good for me. The 100 pound me wasn’t so healthy either.

          In fact, the symptoms for me were varied, depression and chronic fatigue being two major ones…but again, they just went away on their own. Other symptoms seem to be more ‘stuck’ but I know they too will be released as I continue to integrate the light. We seem to have been operating in the dark, at least as the human when it comes to what to do along the way.

          Experimenting with what supports the body best can be a trial and error process. It seems one of the biggest issues is we as humans have lost trust in our body’s innate ability to rebalance itself.

          And of course we are now reclaiming that trust, as we begin to trust our soul knows exactly what to do. We are feeling into our inner GPS system. Thanks for sharing here.

      3. sweet pea

        lamouretlamusique no not rambling i totally understand 🤗. again i too very much need all kinds of care for myself physically for my process… i think it’s just different and unique for each of us? like for me it can no longer be about things like catering to symptoms or over analyzing the “dis-eases”. i did go through all kinds of that and it was what i needed at the time, but now i feel myself more just honoring what my body asks and giving it that without much think about or attention to the details. like instead of seeking all of the root causes for all of the diseases or ailments, i just detox or cleanse or take something that helos do whatever thing it is that makes me feel better, and i don’t ask why i needed it or why it worked, or even wonder about the diseases at all, i just follow what gives me relief or peace and do it as i feel drawn to. also i think my choices now really just need to come from loving my body rather than fear of the disease. like rather than avoiding a food that aggravates a symptom, i now eat a food that my body is craving/asking for if that makes sense? i think in general that’s what i mean is that my physical support process has shifted from fear of and focus on the diseases, to giving love to my body however or why ever that may be. 💜 💜 💜

      4. sweet pea

        yes Maria so much a catch22 😞

        i think what i feel myself committed to is the choice of being here and taking the internal journey of growth my soul needs, and then as part of that, agreeing to give care to the body that my soul is in for now… so i’m committed to the journey i’ve had to take through the experiences of all kinds of emotional and spiritual pain so that my soul learns and expands, but trying to force myself to feel any other way than i feel about my physical state just doesn’t help me 😞, in fact for me that’s perfectly what aggravates my physical symptoms, because then i start to feel defined by these limitations, and that makes me feel so so trapped and hopeless. so i think for me there is a level of detachment from the physical that’s needed to keep me in a good place… it allows me to take the journey of soul growth i’m called to, but still honor the desires of my soul and not let my current physical circumstances limit or define who i truly am. ha that felt sorta rambling, so hope that makes sense. 💜💜💜

        1. Oh, sweet pea, it makes absolute And total sense….what I am hearing from you is you are finding ways to sincerely and deeply love yourself. And trust yourself. That no one else but you knows what you need from moment to moment. Sounds like you have been building a self nurturing and inner strength and confidence that is so beautiful to behold.

          I just hope that when I get to be your age :). I am as wise as you are…🤗🌹💕💕💕

    1. Elila

      Sweet pea now its my turn–everything you said here–me too! And i 100% agree with what Maria has said in response to you above–id like to reiterate her words to you from me as well. Or more precisely, “what SHE said!!!
      And i am doing the same thing with nutritional support–instead of constantly trying to eat more fruit/veg and things that are “good for me” (my diet is predominantly fruit /veg anyhow, but i used to be 100% raw foods so even brown rice or steamed veg can trigger a guilt type response) im paying more attention to what the body asks for and honor that. Yesterday it was good bread and olive oil, which i “normally” wouldnt eat or would have guilt over. But now i just have some and dont fuss over it or question. When i used to stand firm and try to not cave to cravings, id have them constantly. Now by honoring them when they show up, they are far fewer and less extreme, and im enjoying it so much more, and body seems happier/less moody so win win? 😊💕

      1. Elila, I know your comment is to sweet pea but I can’t help but chime in and say, first of all kudos for your realizations. And for taking actions based on joy and not shoulds. And that you noticed that when you give yourself permission to eat what feels good to you, you actually don’t seem to crave things like before.

        A part of you feels acknowledged.

        It took me awhile to do that too. When I crave ice cream, yoghurt just doesn’t cut it. So I allow myself the ice cream, and I don’t need it three times a day or huge amounts of sugar. There is no binging because the little kid inside is satisfied.

        We all know what happens when we deny the little kid.

        And it’s so interesting how this concept carries over to just allowing all our emotions. If we don’t try to shove them down, they feel acknowledged. Then they won’t wreck havoc on us.

        This self acceptance thing really does transform energies in us and in our body. Amazing. Thanks for sharing your experiences.

      2. sweet pea

        yes Elila and Maria that’s all so perfectly it 💜💜💜 i went through a few years where i deprived myself of everyyyyything. i harshly fasted, i juice dieted, i master cleansed, i ate special diets to a pin point, i went totally no sugar, no this, no that, i even tried phases of raw food and vegetarian… physically i think i needed some of those things at the time… but some of them were really wrong for me, like my body never could go vegetarian and it let me know real strongly, and eventually my body just stopped responding to any of it. i was not only not healing physically because i was drained of nourishment because i was eating to deprive instead of nourish, but i was sooooo saaaaad lol . once i started slowly allowing myself to have things again and eating by craving and feel, my body truly started balancing out those cravings by satisfaction and disinterest just like you guys describe. i haven’t wanted for fast food or a soda for yeeeears, but i can’t live without things like sweet tea and bread and cheese and dessert 😊😊😊

        i also refused to take any sort of pain relief for years, and by that i don’t mean anything serious, i just mean i wouldn’t even take ibuprofen and aspirin. so i suffered through fibromyalgia, migraines, cysts, tumors, and just general pain from lyme disease, and without any sort of anything outside of myself to help. i seriously tried to “breathe away” all of it lol. i sort of tried to mentally disolves everything, and i think that just wrapped me up in guilt and over-efforting, while ignoring real physical needs. now if i get a migraine – i take an excederin y’all!

        i think the best i can speak my general way now is that i just can no longer “suffer for my healing”… like if it’s about depriving myself of suffering through something or refusing things that help, i just can’t put myself through that anymore. i was struggling physically no matter what i did, and i was also so so incredibly hopeless because i couldn’t even have small comforts or little joys 😞. now i do whatever feels motivated by caring for myself… so if it comforts me, gives me even some sort of temporary relief, or even just tastes yummy and makes me happy, i do that stuff instead. physically i’m still struggling through all kinds of things, but now i at least feel loved and comforted through the process 😕

        1. Sweet pea, I think your sharing your personal experiences can really help others who are going through so much physical discomfort throughout this process. I guess it comes down to just trusting what feels right for us from moment to moment. I’ve never been one to take medications, but sometimes I too will take Aleve for pain. It doesn’t always help, but sometimes it’s just what is needed.

          Years ago I had IBS, and for a couple of years I could barely eat anything without stomach cramps and worse. Let’s say I had to stay close to the restroom. I also scrutinized my food. I stopped eating so many foods thinking they were the source of my problem. I went down to 98 pounds (I am 5 ft. 6 in.). I went to an herbalist who prescribed an array of herbs. Nothing seemed to help.

          So I began therapy with a talented woman who also did therapeutic touch and body work. I didn’t realize it but I was suppressing a lot of emotions, especially anger…you know, had to be the nice girl growing up.

          So I began expressing the anger in a safe way. Over time, I began to feel better. Eventually the IBS cleared up and never returned. It’s been about thirty years now. My stomach is pretty healthy.

          I like how you put it, no longer suffering for your healing. In fact suffering for ANYTHING is unnecessary. And counterproductive. I am also at that point of saying, hey, I’m here!!! And as long as I am here, gsll darn it, I’m gonna enjoy myself!!!

          I’m into self love, and that includes enjoying my food. And enjoying this physical environment. Where we are heading is all about joy. Allowing ourselves to feel the joy of our soul. And trusting that that will bring to us everything we need.

          It seems we are releasing fears and the body will eventually respond more and more to the joy, not to the old fear patterns. We are discovering that our reality, including our physical body responds to our predominant state of consciousness.

          And allowing ourselves to feel more joy is actually pretty radical, because this planet has a lot of resistance to allowing that type of joy.

          It sounds like you are doing some real serious self love, sweet pea. And especially as a woman, that’s significant.

      3. sweet pea

        yes Maria so so much, i think it is a very moment to moment, intuitive thing. like what you describe with your IBS, i too did bodywork and energy work and during that time i truly needed it… i loved reiki and meditation and acupuncture during that time, and did respond to it enough to get temporarily relief. but oh my gosh Maria i had the biggest a-ha when reading about your experience! i think during that time that the energy work did help some, i was releasing energy that was mine to release, and because that energy was mine to work through, that really intentional energy work could get some movement because i needed to go deep and consciously process it. and i think it eventually stopped being effective because i got to a place where the residual energy blocks i’m left with are so much of the type of energy you always speak of as inherited, and so now my process is no longer about deeply working through it – because it’s not my soul’s energy to work through – so now my process has shifted to just allowing it to pass through and yes just loving myself as it passes through 💕

        and yes oh my gosh i love that you make that point that enjoying food is such a perfect example of allowing joy and enjoying something in our physical environment! i have been so miserable physically for so many years that i really haven’t been aware that i enjoyed any kind of anything about the physical world , but i’m totally doing it with food! 💕💕💕 thank u for that, i’m gonna go have some chocolate now lol 😊

  7. Kat

    Sweet pea, Elila and Maria,

    thank you so much for your comments about your physical ailments and how you dealt/deal with them; it was very interesting to read.

    I’ve been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease called Proctitis (which is an inflammation of the end part of the colon) in March and I have to take medication when there’s an acute episode. The doctor said that it can’t be cured really and that it wasn’t my nutrition that caused it but it was dormant in me and now it has broken out. Noone in my family has it so I was wondering why it came up and why I have it.

    I refuse to believe that it can’t be cured; I just don’t believe it. So I went and searched for some supplements online that might help the body with inflammation issues. I found out that incense and turmeric does help and ordered some capsules (besides taking my suppositories). But I felt that the cause of this must be deeper, it must be on an emtional/spiritual level.

    Because the inflammation is only affecting the end part of the colon, the rectum, I felt it must have something to do with the root chakra and what it stands (and I’ve just googled it now and voila – imbalances with the root chakra also expresses itself with colon and bladder problems which I both have (bladder from time to time).

    I do wonder though why the colon problem came up now? My existential fears (symptons of root chakra imbalance) are actually not as strong as they used to be. Does any of you have any ideas? Is it cause I’m releasing that fear? Because I do feel much more secure in myself than years ago….
    Thank you and hugs

    1. Kat, I can relate strongly to your issues, or, rather your inherited issues for the most part….having had lower chakra stuff myself to deal with…and it seems in this transformation it is primarily the lower chakras that are out of balance and are being triggered now from so much light.

      And, yes, it seems like a cosmic joke on us…the more we are open to spirit, to loving ourself, it seems the more our bodies get ailments, some of which do frighten us. You would think the more we fall in love with ourself, the more we would thrive.

      But that’s the nature of such potent light. It will trigger things emotionally and physically, and our job is not to take any of it personally, no matter how tempting it is to do so. But of course whatever we can do to soothe the body while it is going through this. I also have heard turmeric is very good to relieve inflammation.

      It’s so important for us to soothe our body and our mind as much as possible. But not to allow the mind to dictate our TRUTH. And I agree Kat, doctors, no matter how well meaning do not understand the nature of the soul or even have a clue about the LBP.

      Yes of course everything is healable. That’s exactly what we are experiencing. An integration of all of our aspects and of our human and our grand consciousness. It’s natural that things will be triggered. It could be called a healing crisis of sorts. And I agree with sweet pea that some of the issues were ours to clear. But really the same method applies. And that method is: allow, relax and trust. And plenty of water.

      And I too have had many inflammation type of issues. I see inflammation as repressed anger, any itis such as colitis, bursitis, vaginitis, cystitis, psoriasis, dermatitis. Especially for women, there is a lot of repressed anger that goes back generations.

      Even if no one in your immediate family has the diseases or conditions it doesn’t mean that they weren’t buried in your cells from previous generations. But we’re in the process of changing our DNA. we’re the designated humans who are changing the whole darn history of the human.

      As we go through this process, we are helping to heal our past. It’s always the hardest for the first ones going through it. Lucky us 🙂

      1. Kat

        Thank you so much for your reply Maria. Yes, it most probably a side effect of new very strong energies coming into my body and clearing up old stuff that might not be mine to begin with.
        Anger is something I rarely had trouble expressing though, I’m more the type of person who is impulsive and “inflammable” (haha, fitting word). Maybe it affects also people who do have a bit of a temper sometimes? Although I have become quite mellow (compared to years ago, and I never was a bully or anything like that, just to make that clear 😉 )
        My mother did have issues expressing emotions which changed after she suffered strokes, so you think I might have inherited it from her, or do you mean that this is something that I’m taking “for the team”?

        I’m trying to not take it personally; it might be something from a past life and I’m sure I will get rid of it in due time. I reckon like you said, relaxing, allowing and being good to myself is the best and only way to go about this.

        Thank you and hugs dear 🙂

        1. Good question, Kat…it could be some of both…taking on her issues, and as you say taking it for the team….but in a way, it wasn’t her issue either. In other words, so much of our human personality was conditioned, was going through a very slow evolutionary process. You probably noticed that in general, people don’t change much at all.

          And dramatic changes in their patterns usually comes at the heels of some traumatic event or other. Whether it’s an accident, a disease, or anything that causes them to feel like they are painted into a corner and have no where else to go. Then they are willing to begin allowing in a new energy.

          It pushes them past their old limitations. And that’s what we chose. We wanted to go beyond our old, limited selves. But it requires moving out of the mind. That’s the hardest thing to do. But in a way we have to relinquish all the control issues.

          If the physical condition triggers fear, that’s a good thing. Because all these conditions and issues are at their core, fear based. It’s the fear that’s becoming transmuted, not the dis-ease. Then the disease clears up on its own.

          As we allow our consciousness in closer we are moving into a fearless state. We won’t be feeding the mind’s fears, and then that radically changes our health and well being. It affects the way life responds to us in a profound way.

          Meanwhile it’s having compassion for the human who is feeling all the concerns on such a tangible level. It takes a Master to do what we are doing here. Rest assured, we are among the few who are doing such tremendous pioneersing.

    2. sweet pea

      Yes Maria so so much you perfectly capture it… it’s a balance of allowing our soul to overcome the fear of these things and process or let go of them on an energetic level, while having compassion for and taking care of our human self that is experiencing these things in a tangible physical way 💜 i feel like that’s so perfectly the balance i am trying to stay in through all of this.

      and Kat i do use herbal remedies and supplements and this probably got lost in the food conversation, but i do eat a lot of foods that help with things – but only if i actually enjoy or get relief or find comfort from the food 😁. all that stuff is basically my medicine. when doctors could not help me with the things i’m going through i sort of became my own doctor and started trying things by research and intuition. turmeric is actually my steadiest, favorite thing that i take. i drink it 3 times a day in tea and i love it. yes it does help with me inflammation and eases general aches, so i love it.

      on an energetic level, one thing i found that has resonated with me when it comes to inflammation is that it represents my body’s irritation with things in me that are not supposed to be there…like a constant reactionary state of trying to get these things out of me. when i think of it like that, relaxation and allowing helps me. hope that makes sense?

      and Kat just a big hug to you 💜 going through an “incurable” chronic illness myself and being told there is no cure, i decided years ago that nothing is incurable. we know on a spiritual level that nothing is permanent, and even on a scientific level, all life is energy, and so all energy can be transformed. i stopped going to conventional doctors, mostly because they had no help for me, but also because i felt it did me no good to take on 3D thinking limitations like “incurable”.

  8. Kat

    “If the physical condition triggers fear, that’s a good thing. Because all these conditions and issues are at their core, fear based. It’s the fear that’s becoming transmuted, not the dis-ease. Then the disease clears up on its own.”

    Maria, yes absolutely.
    I used to have thyroid problems since my teen years until a couple of years ago. First I started taking iodine, then I had to take thyroxine, which is a hormone, daily. A couple of years ago I went to a doctor to get my new thyroxine prescription and because I was a new patient she decided to do a blood test first in order to determine how high my thyroxine levels were.
    They turned out to be too high so I was told to not take anything, eat less iodine, too and come back for another test after a month. The next test showed smaller amounts, but still higher than usual. The doctor then wanted me to visit a radiologist who would inject some radioactive substance into me that would make those parts of the thyroid who are overactive visible on screen.
    I instinctively knew that that was the wrong way to go. Not that I was scared of that substance (although I didn’t feel too happy about it either, although I already did this years ago) but I felt that my body just needs more time to figure the thyroid issues out on its own. Plus I really didn’t like the way the doctor was talking to me (very dramatising) so I didn’t go again and after a year of not going to any doctor I went to another one to check my thyroid via a blood test.
    And what happened? My thyroid was pefectly fine. It balanced itself out on her own 🙂

    And that is what I think will happen to my colon, too.


    “on an energetic level, one thing i found that has resonated with me when it comes to inflammation is that it represents my body’s irritation with things in me that are not supposed to be there…like a constant reactionary state of trying to get these things out of me. when i think of it like that, relaxation and allowing helps me. hope that makes sense?”

    Yeah it does make a lot of sense. It can also be a reaction to something in one’s life that we can’t accept or think we can’t change. It doesn’t have to be physical – Maybe that was a reaction to my frustration that I’m not going anywhere professionally ? That has changed though, I’ve been following my joy for a while now 🙂 Or maybe it’s really root chakra problem. But nevermind what the cause is, because at the end of the day it’s something that will pass through us.

    “and Kat just a big hug to you 💜 going through an “incurable” chronic illness myself and being told there is no cure, i decided years ago that nothing is incurable”

    Thans hun 🙂 and yes absolutely. I had an absolute inner knowing that it is definitely not incurable. That whole story so perfectly fits with Maria’s latest articles. Shame the conventional doctors don’t take the Ascension process into account or have at least a more holistic approach, and aren’t we lucky that we trust ourselves so much that we don’t believe idiotic statements like those from our doctors? 🙂

  9. Elila

    Maria, Sweet Pea, and Kat–
    Wow you guys this is SUCH an excellent conversation!! I too am dealing with the scary lower chakra issues, and i too went through YEARS of digestive and eliminative hell. That and weight gain is what started me on the road to vegetarian, macrobiotic, vegan, and raw, struggling to heal myself and lose weight. I also did all the bodywork and reiki and supplements and energy work–on and on. And sweet pea like you, ive come to a point where now i only eat what i love and enjoy. And it just happens to turn out that i love plants most. But ive had trouble lately with all the labels that go with that, like vegan, raw, high raw, blah blah blah. Theres so much emotion and even anger these days with people defending their labels, and qualifying them, and coming up against shit from other vegans or whatever. Its ridiculous and divisive. I would like to just be able to say yeah im vegan, to simplify the endless questions from others. But its not that simple. I eat what i like. Now THAT is simple. It just so happens that what i like mostly is plants, and lots of them raw. And it also just so happens that is what digests most easily for me after years of feeling like I couldnt digest ANYTHING. And i have the most emergy with those foods & the least depression. So thats what i eat the most of. HOWEVER–i have found out (the HARD way of course 😉) that if i get too strict with myself the child within will have tantrum after tantrum and wreak havoc until i mellow out! So the labels have to go (and that is hard bcuz there is something about those labels that insiduously weave into identity and emotions somehow & attach themselves rather firmly)–becuz in order for me AND the little girl to be happy and harmonious–well y’all sometimes pizza HAPPENS. And macaroni and cheese. And chocolate. It just does, and im not going to spend my life struggling to avoid those times or override them or preempt them with always carrying my own food around like i used to.
    And like the rest of you i dont believe anything is incurable. The body regenerates itself constantly and regularly, it makes no sense that anything would be incurable. But these lower chakra things have scared me a lot, and i try to continually remind myself that it’s being taken care of. And i agree that its something to do with fear, either our own or ancestral or mass consciousness or whatever. In my mind i think my body has sequestered this knot of old fear in that chakra to be slowly and systematically and safely released–it would probly be too dangerous and toxic to go all at once. Thats my story and im stickin’ to it LOL!
    So much love im surrounding us all with….💜💕💜💕💜
    Each of you mean the world to me and help to keep me in a lovlier space and i appreciate all of you and your sharing sooooo much

    1. sweet pea

      Elila i’m so so glad you brought up the vegan/vegetarian aspect of things. this is something i’ve struggled with because on an ideological level i would love to be able to make that choice. i truly have tried, but my body severely rebelled every time i have tried. i don’t eat meat everyday, but when i go without it completely, my body and intuition call me back to it strongly in ways i can’t ignore. i haven’t ever really reconciled it with my love for animals 😟. but what you bring up is actually something that energetically has also really pushed me away from it… how much guilt, judgment, and hostility that comes from some parts of the vegan/vegetarian community really has made the lifestyle feel like something i don’t resonate with simply because i could never live in that mindset. many of the people who are making this choice of love and compassion towards animals, are in a really energetically hostile battle with other humans… to me it even feels like for some the lifestyle is even more about projecting negative energy towards other humans than it is about having love for animals? i don’t really know yet what the answer is to reconcile a love for animals and not being vegan, but i just know where i am now, it isn’t right for me 😟 thank you for sharing about it with compassion 💜💜💜

      and yes Kat so much, i am so so grateful for the intuition i have been given through this process. i feel like if anything it’s the most important tool i have for my health journey 💜

      1. Elila

        PS –yes sweet pea–i think the veg “community”, who proselytizes constantly about compassion for animals, needs to perhaps grow that for PEOPLE too …

    2. Elila

      I just realized all those paths i went down with food and such werr out of desperation and fear, not joy! Interesting. And sweet pea i quit doctors too–such a relief! Intuition and tuning in to my body and self love have garnered far better results, even when it seems to make no sense (take two cookies 🍪🍪 and call me in the morning teehee) 😉💕

    3. Kat

      “But these lower chakra things have scared me a lot, and i try to continually remind myself that it’s being taken care of. And i agree that its something to do with fear, either our own or ancestral or mass consciousness or whatever”

      Elila, I just had the idea that lower chakra problems could in fact be a direct reflection of the ascension process. As the root chakra (that affects the colon for example) is about feeling secure in this world, and this security is frequently being stirred by the influx of new energies coming it that trigger deep seated fears in ourselves, of course we would have issues with feeling secure, as we are constantly being confronted with stuff that we buried inside of us whose release doesn’t exactly trigger a feeling of security within us. So until we find that security within ourselves (and that will happen the more of our old fears we release with every new energy flush) we might be dealing with root chakra related issues.
      What do you all think about it?

      1. Elila

        I think you are a spiritual GENIUS!! That makes TOTAL sense to me –i read it thinking ah! Of COURSE! Excellent insight my friend

    4. Kat

      ” And i agree that its something to do with fear, either our own or ancestral or mass consciousness or whatever. In my mind i think my body has sequestered this knot of old fear in that chakra to be slowly and systematically and safely released–it would probly be too dangerous and toxic to go all at once. Thats my story and im stickin’ to it LOL!”


      I’ve just been rereading this convo and stumbled across this paragraph of yours which I can relate to right now more than ever. Yes I have the exact same experience at the moment. I have been feeling tired and worn down for the past couple of days and my root chakra feels kind of clogged and it seems that this is what causes the fatigue. I don’t know if there is anything for me to do about that expect chill,rest and take good care about myself, but just wanted to tell you that I completely understand what you mean.
      I feel like a big chunk of old fear is being processed right now and it really is a profound and massive one. I’m sure it must have something to do with the energies and the new direction I’ve given my life – both of that triggered something in this chakra and I can so clearly feel the big energetic lump in it. My intuition says that it will be resolved by itself and that there is nothing for me to do to “fix it” . It also feels like kundalini energy is trying to make its way through it as it doesn’t feel unfamiliar to my flash of kundalini I experienced when I met my twin flame almost 11 years go, albeit not that intense (back then the energies were so extreme in this part of the body that I instantly went into a hollow back position – thankfully I was lying down – and coudn’t straighten my back for a while, it was uncontrollable).
      Hope you are OK xx

      1. Elila

        Kat–i have the giant lump too! Energetically and physically. It scared the bejeezus out of me at first but same here–intuition tells me it will dissolve itself and will take some time. After all it represents lifetimes of, to borrow maria’s term, ancestral contamination, and fear and insecurity in the world, SO much gunk that isnt even all mine. Perhaps even none of it is mine! When i think of it its kind of surprising its not bigger lol. But yes i too think there is nothing left for us to do but to stay out of the way, not interfere, and self care to the max! I feel like high vibes like appreciation, laughter, and enjoyment of ANYTHING just about –food, a bath, a peaceful walk, a video binge, whatever!–that plus a SHIT TON of sleep, like as much as i can manage (been trying to tweak my evening routine so i can just go to sleep as soon as it gets dark as i realized this last week that out of all the loving things i do for Self its probly the hugest gift i can give myself with the max benefit–cuz man i DO feel so much better after a good 11 or 12 hours of it so ive made it top priority–like instead of mindlessly entertaining myself with not-all-that-compelling youtube crap in the evenings, which can also be enjoyable, but not as beneficial and without the great results that sleep imparts, so ive swapped it for more shuteye 😉😴–just as an example) helps to transform and release all that gunk–i really cant think of anything that helps more lately than rest and sleeeeeeep–cuz yes energies are so intense lately stirring it all up to release. For me i find that whenever there is intense solar activity like flares and geo storms–thats when i feel the shittiest from those powerful blasts of incoming energy. Like yesterday–lots of physical discomfort, head pain, nausea. Good times!
        I also had a sort of kundalini flash this last week–an intense burst of what feels sorta like sexual energy (which RADICALLY stands out these days lol) for several hours. It happened during first or second day of period so could have been hormonal but i had distinct impression it was a clearing/cleansing thing–some old something being chased out? Its happened a few times before so i just try to allow it to pass thru. But it doesnt sound near as intense as what you describe!
        I hope you are ok too my lovely friend xo💜

      2. Elila

        Also kat another thought ive had–the base chakra is pretty much the “clearing house” area of the body where most “stuff” gets eliminated (aside from skin)–the organs that live there are mostly cleansing or elimanative–bladder, uterus, colon, liver & kidneys close by, etc–so to me it makes sense that that would be an area with a lot happening ascenion-wise cuz a large percentage of what needs to go is gonna have to pass thru that neighborhood on the way out?

      3. Elila

        PS for me especially the uterus as cleansing organ feels like where so much “life here as a woman” stuff has built up (and consequently “sequestered” for slow, safe release) like all the ancestral oppression specific to females gunk–like the caretaking and martyr bs for starters…

  10. Elila

    Wow kat–i went through the whole thyroid thing too!!! Imagine that! Wink wink. It was another one of those times that a doctor told me i needed to be medicated for life and it was bullshit. I did the meds, took the iodine, ate tons of seaweed, blahblah. Oy! Now i feel strongly like it was all a wild goose chase, and that it fixed itself.
    And sweet pea–yes yes yes i completely get it with the veg community. Its a huge turn off! There are so many people right where you are, and the “community” rarely accepts that as legit. I do! I believe there are people who need to eat meat. I think sometimes theres an ancestral aspect to a persons dna that makes it almost impossible for them to not have it. Who knows what the cause is? Other vegans look at that and cant accept it–the way slim people treat obese people–they look down like you just dont have the smarts or the willpower to overcome it. I think the focus should be more on the positive. Even if a person can only manage meatless monday, its still a step away from cruelty. For me i simply dont want to ingest that energy of cruelty, but even that doesnt always keep me away from a pizza, so then theres that cognitive dissonance. But eating meat didnt historically involve the mind blowing lifelong physical & emotional abuse animals endure now in the modern food system. So there are generations after generations that consumed a wholly different kind of animal products, without the violent cruelty vibe we have today in the industry. So it makes sense it would be far more difficult for some to eschew it! At least it makes sense to me LOL. I dont like the judgement mentality of a lot who choose to not consume it. Its possible that if i hadnt grown up just hating the taste of meat and always getting stomachaches from it and then all the digestive issues i have suffered, well who knows if id still be eating it? It just turned out this way really. And everyone is different and i think it does no good on any line of the spectrum to be hating on people for what they do or dont eat. Im not going to spend the rest of my life explaining, labeling, justifying what i eat or dont or apologizing for it either–not only is it DRAINING, but we have bigger fish to fry methinks LOL. I say pay attention to your own body & what works or doesnt work, what feels good, and the cravings too! I think its all part of a guidance system we have lost touch with that we need to tune back into, and it doesnt always make sense on the surface, but dammit sometimes the body needs ice cream and you may not ever know why but i think its part of learning to trust ourselves and out spirits and intuition again–to know we have all we need inside of us instead of CONSTANTLY looking for answers outside of ourselves with doctors & books or even youtube lol
    Oh and kat i just had the realization that with all this fear based gunk in the base chakra working its way out–no wonder the solfeggio im most drawn to is the one titled LET GO of fear–duh!
    I totally agree with you Maria that we are heading into fearlessness. I can ABSOLUTELY feel that happening and fear dissolving. And I also believe that includes fear around our food–that needs to go too, bcuz especially as women, we have been conditioned to analyze & fear every goddam morsel, and THAT has NO PLACE where we are going!!!
    ! 💕🍪🍉🍞🍓🍕🌽🍠🍦🌯🍎💕
    We need to relearn the art of sensual enjoyment and hey food is a great place to start!

    1. sweet pea

      yes Elila, thank you so much for the compassionate response 💜💜💜 and yes there are those of us who take the steps we can… such as whenever possible i eat grass fed/no gmo & cage free products, and i use cruelty-free beauty products, and i support animal adoption charities, and so on. and yes i so hope for and support these industries shifting towards more humane processes.

      i think we all do our best in the areas we are most called? for instance one of my strongest callings in life is around seeking a higher version of intimacy and relationships, and that’s where my so much of my passion and energy easily flow… things like infidelity and emotional manipulation are 2 of the biggest forms of cruelty to me that exist… so there are plenty of vegans making beautiful choices for animals, but in their personal relationships they are cheaters or emotional abusers or really destructive and dysfunctional in some way…i find those choices intensely cruel and would never want to have personal relationships with them, but i don’t discredit the beautiful things they do for animals, and i don’t believe i have a right to attack their life choices or pressure them into investing their passion in energy into a focus on healthy relationship energy the same way i am called to do so.

      i think we all do better at reaching a universal healing with all of these things when we respect and allow other’s their growth and focus on bettering ourselves how we can rather than focusing on the journey others are taking. 💜

      1. Elila

        sweet pea this is such an excellent point. Relationship is another area where i opt out bcuz i dont agree with the masses and how “intimacy” is currently being defined and “done”. To me it seems outdated and yes like you said, cruel and abusive a lot of the time. Its not for me–i know there is something higher and more beautiful and mutually nourishing and i’ll hold out for that, or im fine with none at all. (Ironically im experiencing a rift with a dear friend over the subject of “open relationships”, something that seems to be gaining a foothold in the veg community too for some strange reason–hey to each their own. I think if someone wants that kind of relationship well fine, but from my seat the only way i see that working well for anyone is if ALL people involved totally dig it and want it that way–if only one person wants it and dictates that its that or nothing, well gee what could go wrong there? LOL) I believe each individual gets to decide on their own what works for them, what they eat, what they do with their own body, etc. No one gets to dictate to another what they should or should not be doing. imagine if we all minded “our own business”!!? Its like abortion–if you dont like it, dont have one. But you do not get to decide for everyone. If you dont like meat, dont eat it, but only i get to decide what goes down my own pie hole. If you love your religion, fabulous, good for you, but dont force it on anyone else. Simple. To each his own! Diversity is life!!! And good on you for all the huge steps and beautiful choices you have already made. RESPECT.

        Oh and Maria i completely agree with what you said above– “im here!” And as long as im here im gonna ENJOY myself–yesssssss!!!!! I feel the same! (Oh and hell no–yoghurt wont feed the ice cream craving. Just no. Lol)

      2. sweet pea

        yes Elila so soooo perfectly said. can you imagine how much more at peace we would all be if everyone held that level of respect for each other? religion & reproductive rights are probably the 2 topics i feel most passionately defensive about my personal boundaries with, to the point where i will no longer even discuss either topic with anyone who feels they have a right to violate my space or dictate the choices i make with either. i think in general i’m pretty burnt to the ground on debating ideologies with anyone anymore, and i surely have no desire to try to change anyone else’s. it’s a place for me that feels peaceful to be in 💜. when i think back to my religious upbringing and what it was like being taught that other people’s beliefs we’re my business and responsibility to change….ug i hated it soooo much 🙊🙊🙊 judgment is freakin’ exhausting y’all. i’m barely handling being the boss of me, i don’t want to be the boss of anyone else! 😩

      3. Elila

        Oh gosh me too sweet pea–its enuf to be the boss of me. And i also dont have those “discussions” anymore, and i put that word in quotes bcuz im finding that people often use that word when what they really mean is “argument”–they want you to defend or prove your viewpoint, want to tear it down or disprove, not open up to a different angle (like its out of defensiveness or insecurity and not curiosity?–idk theres just a big difference for me between discussing and arguing and i dont think most people grasp that subtlety, but i can usually feel their intention or which way theyre going with it) — which im too tired for and it seems futile–i love your expression “burnt to the ground”, ive not heard that before but what an excellent descriptor–im gonna steal that one haha!
        And yes i do find it a much more peaceful place to be in. Altho lots of people get pretty pissed at me for refusing to “discuss” when i can tell they are jonesing for an argument. And what good does it do to duke it out? It seldom changes anything bcuz both parties are in defensive mode so how can they be open to anything new? Gosh im tired just thinking about it–all the arguing seems sort of like egoic masturbation or something. Snooze. 😴💤 And i really dont give a rats behind anymore what anyone thinks of my non-engagement 😜.
        Thats one of the things i love about this site and all of you here–we can actually for real discuss, and not argue. Theres no giant egos here. Its a place of respect and support and sharing and encouragement–now those are things that vibe for me. I can get down with that and engage with that happily. 😊💜

      4. sweet pea

        ha yes Elila so true about all of it! and yes it seems like you really do have to set a boundary simply to not engage 😔 but i’m with you, i just can’t care to battle anymore, even if it’s a bit of a battle to not battle lol 🙃

        and yes so much, this is such a place of respect and support and sharing and encouragement and that’s so much more where i’d rather be 💜💜💜

  11. Kat

    “I totally agree with you Maria that we are heading into fearlessness. I can ABSOLUTELY feel that happening and fear dissolving.”

    I feel that very strongly, too. I actually feel happy when fear comes up in me because I know it is being let go of and yeah there is less and less of it in my everyday life. I feel it’s going for good. Yaay!

    1. Elila

      Me too Kat!! I feel it leaving for good!! And good riddance! Tasting my FOOD aaaaaand my FREEDOM……
      hugs to you sister!

      1. Elila

        I feel relief too kat, and also i keep having moments where im pleasantly surprised that im not feeling fear reactions–like suddenly i notice im not having those adrenaline punches of panic, or the absence of the knot tht was in my stomach for most of my life. The things happening in my life right now would normally have me scared to bits, but im somehow serene (apathetic?). Its an entirely new experience, and sometimes im shocked like hey wheres that normal fear reaction (or the desire for a stiff drink or a food binge to stuff something down), and even once in a while i find it so hard to believe im not having some sort of fear and i think oh well yeah–you can manage not being scared right NOW, but just wait til d-day gets closer and lets see how cool you are…. So silly but there it is. Fear is such a dominant feeling in my body for as far back as i can remember so wow it’s sure noticable when it recedes, and sometimes i dont trust that its really gone–but i sure am ready and willing to get used to life without it!!! THAT is something i wont mind practicing at ALL lol

  12. Kat

    “I think you are a spiritual GENIUS!! That makes TOTAL sense to me –i read it thinking ah! Of COURSE! Excellent insight my friend”

    Thank you my friend 😀

  13. Kat

    ” Its an entirely new experience, and sometimes im shocked like hey wheres that normal fear reaction ”

    Haaha I know that feeling! I do wonder where my old reaction pattern is and my first impulse is to distrust that it has changed.
    When this process started long ago that was the first indicator of change – a complete difference in reaction patterns and that made me panic, as those were the signs of ego disintegration that made my ego fear for its life.

    I dont panic anymore but still wonder where it’s gone. Interesting how we get used to our old patterns even when they are not good for us, eh?

    1. Elila

      Hahaha kat yes for REALS. Gotta say tho i am digging the changes more and more, relaxing more and just letting stuff happen, and its such monumental relief the more i lean into it. I mean how much were the old ways really serving me?? How was that idea of control and struggle panning out? How much hot air did i waste defending and explaining myself where it was worth the effort?? Life was pretty shite no matter how many plates i managed to keep spinning in the air. Im retired from struggle. Even if life stayed shite (which it hasnt–its much easier and simpler and freer and happier and more relaxed now despite some of whats happening)–at least im not exerting all my energy on futility. I firmly believe we were meant to enjoy life, to revel in it and relish it, to feel happy almost all the time, to THRIVE exponentially. I am comitted to being here to prove that out!!!
      I often wish we could see all each other when we are reading each others responses–if you guys only knew how many times you have cracked me up or brought tears to my eyes from the feelings of acceptance and understanding and love, how many times i have sucked in my breath and had a giant revelatory aha moment. How many times my jaw has dropped in amazement and admiration. Like sweet pea i totally cracked up when you said about it being a battle not to battle 😄😄😄–so true! I find you all so astonishingly clever and insightful and warm and caring and supportive and beautiful–my appreciation for all here is so enormous i cant even express. Hugs all around my dear family! 😊💕💕💕

      1. Kat

        ” Gotta say tho i am digging the changes more and more, relaxing more and just letting stuff happen, and its such monumental relief the more i lean into it. ”

        One million times yes and a big fat “ME, TOO”!!!!

        “ow was that idea of control and struggle panning out? How much hot air did i waste defending and explaining myself where it was worth the effort?? ”


        ” I firmly believe we were meant to enjoy life, to revel in it and relish it, to feel happy almost all the time, to THRIVE exponentially. I am comitted to being here to prove that out!!!”

        ABSOLUTELY! Agree 100000%

        “I often wish we could see all each other when we are reading each others responses”

        Before I read that I was thinking at the same time oh I wish Elila could see my grinning face and wildly nodding head while I read her response haha! Great minds…you know 😀

        ” I find you all so astonishingly clever and insightful and warm and caring and supportive and beautiful–my appreciation for all here is so enormous i cant even express. Hugs all around my dear family! 😊💕💕💕”

        Absolutely the same back to you and the rest of the gang here. I adore you all ❤

      2. Elila

        Oh kat i am literally grinning ear to ear with a full to bursting heart and tears in my eyes–great minds INDEED!!! 😊💕 soooooo cooooooool!!!!!

  14. sweet pea

    just reading the conversation between Kat & Elila, y’all are so cute 💕 sisters from another life pretty sure ☺️

    1. Kat

      hahaha sweet pea, that might very well be true. I think we all know each other from past lives. You all feel so familiar 😀

    2. Elila

      Sweet pea–i agree with kat–i feel that you and maria and kat and i (and im sure others here too) are all sisters from before! I always think of y’all as “my girls”, and there is definitely a FAMILY feel here 💜💙💜

  15. Kat

    Elila a big fat YES to everything you’ve written. And this:

    “But yes i too think there is nothing left for us to do but to stay out of the way, not interfere, and self care to the max! I feel like high vibes like appreciation, laughter, and enjoyment of ANYTHING just about –food, a bath, a peaceful walk, a video binge, whatever!–”

    ….has brought me to link you this song which I have been listening for the past days about 1000 times. It is such a vibration raiser:

    It embodies the vibes of the 80’s so perfectly for me and I kinda miss the magic from that time (even though I was born in the early 80’s I can remember it). In short, it feeds my nostalgia but also makes me feel expansive, especially the part at 2:49 . There is just something about it..<3

    "Also kat another thought ive had–the base chakra is pretty much the “clearing house” area of the body where most “stuff” gets eliminated (aside from skin)–the organs that live there are mostly cleansing or elimanative–bladder, uterus, colon, liver & kidneys close by, etc–so to me it makes sense that that would be an area with a lot happening ascenion-wise cuz a large percentage of what needs to go is gonna have to pass thru that neighborhood on the way out?"

    That makes so much f*ing sense! Of course we'd feel ailments there when we release emotional stuff. Thank you for such an eye opener Elila. oh I bloody love this site ❤ 🙂

    1. Elila

      Oh kat you gave me a laugh with that last bit just when i needed it. A very rough day with a ton of fear being stirred up after coasting pretty well for a long while. I went for a walk to try to dissipate it and in a little cloud of despair i asked (pleaded?) spirit to give me a sign that everything will be ok and that i’ll be able to move on to whatever is next in a pleasant way without any more suffering. Just then i turned a corner and a band in the park was singing the lyrics “…sign, sign, everywhere a sign….” and i thought ha very funny smart assy spirit….
      But then i got back to house and checked in here and read your response, and played the song, and at the spot you specified at 2:49 he is singing “the storm is breaking….”–i think that just might BE the sign i asked for? Im gonna assume it anyhow–i’ll take what i can get! What do you think? Sometimes i think Im not very good at discerning signs… 😜. Thank you so much dear kat for a lift when i really needed one. The song is lovely, and weirdly even tho i was in high school and college in the 80’s, and i LOVE all that music, i dont recall ever hearing that one–so odd! It really did give me a boost 💜💕💜

      1. Kat

        Elila, I think that definitely was the sign. Absolutely. Because I felt compelled to post this here and to link you to that part. I love the transition from the instrumental part to when he starts singing again – it really feels like “the storm is breaking”, it makes me feel so free and expansive (especially when I listen to it via my headphones). So yeah that is the sign my friend. Everything WILL be good; in fact much better than good.
        And don’t worry about feeling crappy at the minute. You are absolutely not alone. I have been feeling weak and kinda edgy and worried for days now; my root chakra working crazily to dissolve whatever there is that is not needed anymore which stirs up old fears. Even though it doesn’t feel pleasant, Elila remember that it is a good thing. as we are releasing and coming closer and closer to our freedom. I’ve read from other people, especally spiritually inclined people like us that they’ve been feeling beside themselves lately as well. It might have something to do with solar flares and/or the intense energies we are experiencing right now (maybe one has to do with the another, who knows).

        ” and in a little cloud of despair i asked (pleaded?) spirit to give me a sign that everything will be ok and that i’ll be able to move on to whatever is next in a pleasant way without any more suffering.”

        I was thinking about these words of yours. And yes, even though we still have some muck in us that needs to be dissolved and is being dissolved as it can’t exist in these high vibrational energies and this process does trigger all kinds of unpleasant feelings, we don’t need to see this as suffering. I am trying to see this as pooping on an energetic level, because that’s all it is actually. We are getting rid of stuff that our system doesn’t need anymore. The process is a lot slower than the physical one (unfortunately haha) but at the end of the day it’s not any different. And like Maria said, we also might be functioning as a gateway for the environmental or ancestral or global energetic crap and the best thing to do is just let it pass through us without judgement, without resistance. The less resistance the quicker it will go.

        Hope you’re feeling better today my friend 🙂

  16. Elila

    Aaaah dear Kat, this is so comforting and im so appreciative of your words–its a relief to hear kindness instead of disproval and pressure. The “suffering” i spoke of referred not to ascension, but to yet another round of looming homelessness. The house i live in is going on the market in the next couple of days and ive nowhere to go when it sells. All i can do is A.R.T. –allow relax and trust, that a solution will present itself –i am just too worn down for all this nonsense and fear, and im expecting an enjoyable outcome somehow–I’ve no clue how that could happen but i know its POSSIBLE… Ah i just glanced at clock and its 10:10–another sign perhaps?
    And omg kat energetic pooping–a million times YES!!!!!! That is such a genius analogy–i LOVVVVVE that. And its so true–not exactly comfortable or pleasant but holy cow when its out its such a relief, until the next round LOL.
    Kat all night when i was trying to sleep (escape lol) i kept thinking of your words in another comment above “i actually feel happy when fear comes up in me bcuz i know its being let go of…”, so i thought well yeah ok im gonna look at it like that, that this fear of homelessness and being faced with it is coming up for the last time and being released and i’ll never have to wrestle with it again!!! All i can do is let spirit drive at this point cuz i got nothing left, literally and figuratively–so we shall see if spirit provides a soft landing at the bottom of the cliff. I spose its a perfect opportunity to prove out my trust! Feeling love and support here sure helps IMMEASURABLY. Especially with all the 3d-ers around me shaking their heads disprovingly….jeesh.
    And i am feeling a few degrees better today –i hope you are too!
    💜💜 hugs back💜💜

    1. Kat

      ” The “suffering” i spoke of referred not to ascension, but to yet another round of looming homelessness. The house i live in is going on the market in the next couple of days and ive nowhere to go when it sells. All i can do is A.R.T. –allow relax and trust, ”

      Dear Elila,

      I can so understand your fear – it’s an existential one (and root chakra related as it concerns security), but you already said it yourself. That is an opportunity for you/your mind to step aside and let spirit step in and do her work. You are very very brave my friend and I’m happy to read that you are feeling better. I’m sure everything will fall into place eventually.
      What does your intuition say to this situation?
      Hugs my friend,

      1. Elila

        Man Kat it is so hard to read intuition when the fear is stirred! It makes me not sure and confused. There was a big solar flare (CME) this weekend and subsequent geo storming that kicked my ASS–this morning i woke up at usual time after having to go to sleep very early last night in discomfort and exhaustion, and promptly rolled back over for a nap and didnt wake up again until noon! But im feeling more refreshed and clear now that the storm (geo) is literally breaking and ive rested. A lot of crap must have been chased out the last few days from that energy surge! Anyhow i think (or perhaps its just what ive managed to convince myself over last few months with deep denial 😜 –hey whatever works lol) intuition has been telling me all along that i keep coming up against this issue bcuz i havent TRULY let go and allowed spirit to handle it. I keep interfering thinking its my fault for just not working hard enuf at it or not being smart emuf or lucky enuf…blahblahblah. The control freak ego keeps poking in and i take actions out of fear and that seems to never work out well (it’s how i ended up here in this house in the first place!) So i need to learn to REALLY step back and trust i spose. And here i am with really no other choice!! Im literally too tired and worn down from all of this, out of ideas and options, my old menopausal ragged human self simply cant figure this snarled mess out on its own–how to live peacefully and enjoyably on this planet without having to do a bunch of stuff i hate, and without mooching off of or relying on anyone else. It is an existential/security thing of course, but more than that–i have NO desire to merely SURVIVE here. For me its got to be THRIVE or NOTHING. I see no f**king point to being here if its just a struggle to survive! I want more than baseline getting by. I want it to feel GOOD here. I lead a super simple life, and i prefer it that way, dont need a ton of bells and whistles and toys and money to make the feelgood happen, so it shouldnt be such a big damn deal. Intuition seems to be saying its time to prove out that radical trust in spirit is the only way to thrive here. I guess we shall see?! I dont know if im very brave as you say, or just painted into a corner lol.
        Thank you my dear friend for all your supportive words and energy–it really does make a difference for me! Hugs back 💙💕💙 and hope you are feeling some relief too?

  17. Kat

    “Man Kat it is so hard to read intuition when the fear is stirred! It makes me not sure and confused. ”

    I know what you mean it’s the same here. I’d love to be able to let go of fear quickly so I can focus on my intuition. Fear makes everything so blurry and unsure, it’s annoying.

    “he control freak ego keeps poking in and i take actions out of fear and that seems to never work out well (it’s how i ended up here in this house in the first place!) ”

    That’s an interesting point. So you ended up there because you acted out of fear? Maybe moving out of there is a completion of a cycle? Like you moved there based on action made out of fear and you will get out there soon, because making decisions based on fear are no longer fitting your new way of being?

    I’m in a situation now, too where I’m facing a persistent issue again and things seem to be repeating. There is an encounter on the horizon for me that I find rather unpleasant, but there seems no way around it. Interestingly this person I’ll have to face feels like facing certain fears/issues within me that have been there for a while. It’s not him exactly, it’s facing the negative feelings that I project onto him that feel unpleasant if that makes sense. And it is also a completion of a cycle, as he is no stranger to me.
    You know what I really wanna figure out: I’m so good at analysing and figuring out my issues and the mentality behind it. I just want to know how I can get more control of my emotions. That is something I feel still need to get the hang of, because that is what is tiring me. The anxietes and fears are really not adding anything are they?

    “and hope you are feeling some relief too?”

    Yeah I do feel better, thank you, although the energies are still quite intense I think. I will be flying away to see my parents soon (google Primosten, Croatia) and it is sooo beautiful there. That’s where my mother is from and they moved back there just lately. I can’t wait 🙂

    1. Elila

      Wow kat i am really digging your perspective on this, about it being the completion of a cycle? That would sure be a relief, and certainly makes sense. Another aspect of it was that i was left with no other choice tho, and i wonder why spirit doesnt give me any wiggle room or present any PLEASANT options. I swore id never ever move back here but then it seemed i was forced into it bcuz there was nowhere else for me to go, and ascension had already stripped away all my resources and energy. And now it seems like its playing out again the same way…but how can that be when i am SO different now?? I guess all i can do is wait and see. Meanwhile it is uncomfortable as hell!
      And yes for sure the fear is so annoying and blurrying, and its hard to see how it helps at all. I suppose it might be handy to be able to control emotions, but then again it kinda wouldnt make sense when i think of emotions sort of like a gps system or a compass—i think they may exist to guide us, like the fear is telling me this isnt a great direction for me (and its totally different from just being nervous or even scared of a new unfamiliar direction that you can see would take you someplace better–the “feel the fear and go anyway” kind of excitement when theres likely a cool payoff to be jazzed about), and a happier feeling would serve to pull me in another more beneficial direction if that makes sense? Like emotions are kind of our dowsing rod in life, to track down the best water sources/situations. So i wouldnt necessarily want to control it per se since me exerting influence on it may take me further away from what i ultimately want–i dont know if this is a good enuf analogy or if im making any sense lol. I mean yeah i dont want my emotions to be jerking me about from extremes all the time, and lots of times i can change the direction by changing my focus onto something i appreciate, so they can be tempered in a way, but im suspecting control might not be as beneficial as it seems in theory–it would seem a little like moving the compass needle to what i want it to say instead of accepting the actual reading and that could get a bit dicey lol. Then again i can tell like maria was talking about that we are moving into fearlessness so SOMETHING on this emotional front is shifting in new ways!!!
      And kat im so glad you have something you are excited about to look forward to–your trip to croatia. I remember you mentioning how beautiful Primosten was in a past discussion and googled it then and still remember how pretty & peaceful looking it was–i hope its a rejuvenating trip for you!! Is the person you mentioned facing there?
      Oh and yes i agree that the energies still feel so intense….
      Hugs to you 💜

      1. Kat

        “And now it seems like its playing out again the same way…but how can that be when i am SO different now?”

        It might be because you haven’t dealt with this issue completely yet. When you think about it; you moved there out of fear and now you’ll be moving out. The Elila, who acted out of fear is no longer, that’s a version of you that’s obsolete and spirit is giving you the opportunity to trust her now completely and not act based on your fear.

        I think moving out of a house where you moved in because you made a decision not based in trust but fear and now having to move out of it is very symbolic. It doesn’t feel like a senseless repetition of the same old crap, but like a completion of a cycle; it will be completed and dealt with when you let spirit take over the steering wheel. Moving out of this house is like moving out of an old version of yourself that no longer serves you. At least that’s what it feels like to me.

        “So i wouldnt necessarily want to control it per se since me exerting influence on it may take me further away from what i ultimately want–””

        Yeah I agree with you. With control I meant I’d like to be able to calm myself down quicker when I’m stressing about stuff and all that stress is self-made (in my head) and causes annoying emotions. That’s just a waste of energy really and leads me nowhere. I wouldn’t want to control all emotions as I agree with everything you said.

        “maria was talking about that we are moving into fearlessness so SOMETHING on this emotional front is shifting in new ways!!!”

        Yeah exactly, that would be marvellous! I’m tired of useless fear and worry.

        ” Is the person you mentioned facing there?”

        No, I’ll meet hin when I’m back in Berlin. Funnily enough I saw him today in passing and it felt ok. Another proof how I’m exaggerating things in my head sometimes….

        ” i hope its a rejuvenating trip for you!”

        Thank you Elila. Oh yeah I hope so, too 🙂 I will enjoy the sun, sea and my family for sure.

        Hugs to you and all will work out fine for you, I’m sure

    2. Elila

      (And yup i think i get what u mean anout it not being him so much as the negative feelings you project onto him–but im guessing he gives you good reason to have those feelings in the first place?)

      1. Kat

        I can’t say that for sure to be honest. When someone triggers something in me that’s primarily a problem within me. Obviously I don’t like the company of these people but if the issue within me is resolved there is nothing negative left to trigger, so it’ s me and not him after all I guess.

  18. Elila

    I really am liking your fresh perspective here kat. Like im not just moving out of a house, im moving out of fear. And i love how you see it as moving out of an old version of me. I cant argue with that! I feel resonance with what you have said here. Thank you for your words!
    Also you get a HUGE meeee toooo on the emotional stuff–

    ” With control I meant I’d like to be able to calm myself down quicker when I’m stressing about stuff and all that stress is self-made (in my head) and causes annoying emotions. That’s just a waste of energy really and leads me nowhere. ”
    This is me exactly!!! And i have been practicing all sorts of ways to calm myself and return to a more peaceful state when my brain is churning up all sorts of fearful scenarios relentlessly. Id REALLY like to be more adept at it, or better yet avoid that fretting fearful ego nonsense altogether. Sometimes i find that if i can find a way to appreciate that little devil in my head, it disarms him a bit. Like noticing its happening and saying to it “gee you are super tenacious and persistent–a master at what you do!”, or even just chuckling at it like “ah–here you go again [eye roll]!” And if i cant manage that i try to shift my focus by thinking of something–ANYTHING–that i love, even if its just what i had for dinner or something silly and random like im glad i dont have bunions lol. I am also so SO tired of the useless fear and worry. Such an energy suck.

    And as for the man you will see when you return, heres hoping that whatever uncomfortable feelings or vibe you have with him dissipates or altogether evaporates while you are enjoying sun and sea time. Or at least perhaps some apathy could develop so you no longer give a shit LOL.

    Love to you my friend and hugging you back!

    1. Kat

      “And if i cant manage that i try to shift my focus by thinking of something–ANYTHING–that i love, even if its just what i had for dinner”

      I’ve just realised that I have absolutely no energy to feel anxious and worry when I had a nice, filling meal. That’s the solution then (as if I don’t eat more than enough already hahah)

      “And as for the man you will see when you return, heres hoping that whatever uncomfortable feelings or vibe you have with him dissipates or altogether evaporates while you are enjoying sun and sea time. Or at least perhaps some apathy could develop so you no longer give a shit LOL.”

      I’ve already calmed down a bit after seeing him and realising how I’ve been blowing things up in my head but thanks anyway 😀

      Apart from the worry that is still lurking somewhere in the background I’m also super excited where things will lead me. 🙂

      1. Elila

        Oh my gosh you hot on something here–i have also discerned that i can tone down the impacts of all the intense energy with a richer than usual meal! So it would make total sense that it would work on taking the edge off anxiety/worry too. As long as i manage it BEORE i get too riled up/scared and lose my appetite! When i realized how the meals with the most audible pleasure sounds (mmmm! Oh!), thigh slapping and eyes-rolling-back-in-head goodness really blissed me out and calmed me, i decided i wanted everything i bother eating to taste and feel that good (at this very moment an exquisite latte is DOING it LOL). I also noted that i felt (and digested) far better most of the time if i ate in solitude, slowly, and concertedly relishing every bite. I tend to eat too quickly (& with not as much attention—altho there is a different kind of pleasure enjoyed eating with others around conversation, laughter and camaraderie–especially with my siblings) around other people–people eat so FAST here!–i am ALWAYS the last one finished at the table even at my top speed. Plus eating lovely meals helps me to really tune in to the sensual nature maria describes so well. Win win 😉
        I am so glad those disruptive emotions towards that person have ameliorated for you and that you have some relief over it before your trip. I know how stuff like that can weigh in the background of the mind! And im the same way where my brain will blow things all up–like if my sis texts me in a certain tone i think oh no perhaps shes angry with me, and then i start ruminating over the exchange and try to figure if i tripped up or was insensitive blahblahblah, but then i see her and can feel her energy more accurately and shes fine and i calm down. I would REALLY like to break this ridiculous roller coaster habit (& whilst writing this to you i realized clearly it IS just a well conditioned HABIT) And like you said–its mostly in my own mind.
        I hope you eat the most amazing food of your life so far on your trip (dont bother with mediocre!) and rest as peacefully and thoroughly as a well fed and cuddled baby. 😊💕
        And lastly, that last sentence you wrote about despite the lingering background worry you are still excited anout whats to come?
        MEEEEEEE TOOOOOO dear Kat. Perfectly stated. 💜💜💜

  19. Elila

    Wow thank you for reposting this Maria–rereading all this today felt so good and bolstering. Even tho so much of what was happening a whole year ago is still in play (which can be so damn frustrating when I realize that), I feel strengthened again from the energy of your post and our convo here.
    Big hug 😊💕🌴🌞🌸

    1. Yeah, Elila, it can be frustrating as you say, that stuff is still ‘in play’ now. And time seems to be moving more and more quickly. So glad you found the post and our conversation encouraging. Now I’m also glad I reposted it. 🤗💕💕💕

      1. Elila

        Hi Kat! Ya know what–im really not sure…..coming to the end of my current arrangement (actually it was only supposed to be 6 months and it’s been a year) and spirit has still not shown me a way to move forward or to go “home”, or even where ” home” might be. Time sems to have sped up bringing looming deadlines too soon but it’s slow as molasses bringing inspiration, resolution, or new ideas/solutions. Or healing for that matter–I mean jeesh the body stuff seems ENDLESS! I sure would like to know HOW we can sculp our bodies in our own image as MaryMagdalene says. Because it seems I’m not able to influence my body at all, other than in negative ways!
        Been thinking of you–i know YOUR deadline is this week–how is script coming along?

        1. kat

          “Been thinking of you–i know YOUR deadline is this week–how is script coming along?”

          Thanks for asking dear Elila. I finished the script 1 day before deadline and sent it away the same day (deadline was July 1st). Already received some feedback, saying that one of the producers (the only one who read it so far and she will be directing, too) is very happy with it. So Im quite happy, too. Now I m in the process of looking for further work and so far I have been in a similar situation. What you said sums it up perfectly:

          “Time sems to have sped up bringing looming deadlines too soon but it’s slow as molasses bringing inspiration, resolution, or new ideas/solutions.”

          My old pet peeve finances (or the lack of them) is still present. I try not to worry or think about it but the fear can be felt physically and I’m wondering what to do. Allowing? But I have been allowing the feelings and the situation as it is for so long. When will those feelings transform? Am I still stuck because I feel fear and if so, why does breathing through it and feeling it/allowing it not make it go away. I m currently in a “sick of all this spiritual bullshit” – mood to be honest. I figured that all these spiritual “rules” and regulations have been feeling very limiting and are creating fear themselves. A bit at the end of my rope here although I m not panicking, which is good. I guess I’ll just keep writing (I have a new idea that I want to elaborate and apply for funding) and just what happens. There is not much else to do anyway is there. Hope both our situations will be resolved ASAP.
          Hugs my friend


          1. Elila

            Kat omg I’m so excited for you that so far your script has been well received!! I knew that would be the case. I just have this feeling that this script is going to set off a great domino effect for you which is hidden now but will become apparent soon. Well done you!
            And ugh holy crap your whole paragraph about finances is just so spot on–exactly how I’ve been feeling too. As a matter of fact after I wrote that comment to you yesterday I felt kinda bad about it in some way–like kind of embarrassed and a little sad that at this point in my life it’s STILL such a THING after soooooo long, & tired of sounding so pathetic instead of powerful, & YES always trying to breathe through the fear and if I can’t manage it it makes me MORE scared that I’m making it worse, but mostly when I notice the fear I go for distraction or try to focus on something cool, like ANYTHING that seems to be OK for now even if it’s tiny. But I keep hearing in my head lately, I mean almost every day, Maria’s words “I am so READY to be a role model of a woman who has it all”. Yes. I SO. AM. I really just can’t understand how after all these years of dealing with this that it hasn’t at least gotten a LITTLE better, like a little more security, a small amount of money coming in, like some measurable improvement even trickling in to reflect the huge strides we have made in consciousness and releasing and allowing and all the practice we’ve put in to not using fear. It’s much like the body stuff where it seems things are at a complete standstill no matter how well I manage or what I do. And I’m at such a fuck-all place with it all. Like you say at the end of my rope but not panicking. And I guess I’m not panicking because I’m so worn out I just can’t care anymore. I’ve heard it said that when you reach that point is when things start happening, but it’s been this way for a long while and still nothing is moving. So WHATEVER. I just don’t know anymore. I too hope we are both (& all of us here) right at the edge of transforming this tired status quo!
            As for thyroid, yes I had issues with it 20 or 30 years ago and was told I’d need meds for life, but after changing diet and lifestyle it righted itself and haven’t needed meds in many many years. And it just doesn’t feel like that’s what it is at this point. And I also feel like even if it were, a doc is just going to put me on meds again and I’m not willing to get back on that ride. Plus on top of it all that stuff is expensive as hell, and didn’t do much to change body or how I felt at all so never seemed worrth it anyway!

            Im feeling hesitant to talk at all these days cuz I feel like I have such a crap attitude and I can’t seem to rosy it up and think positive blahblahblah. I wish I didn’t sound so gloomy! And I wish we would all start having exciting new things to share here; new inspirations and amazing experiences and seeing in a more concrete way that all we’ve experienced so far has been taking us towards a much more peaceful and happy existance without fear. That is my wish.

            I’m hugging you right back my dear friend ❤❤❤

          2. Elila

            PS this whole Independence Day gig being celebrated here by the 3D masses somehow just adds insult to injury for me as what I’m longing for most is true Independence –for myself and for all my weary family here! I am just NOT feeling like a powerful creator of my own reality– AT. ALL. And I really really really want to feel that………
            But if I’m totally honest lately the feelings I’m having sort of resemble feeling a bit “victimized” (that’s not quite the right word–maybe “at the mercy of”? Idk I think you’ll get what I mean) by ascension itself, even tho I’m totally choosing it, and then that sounds all martyr-y, and holy crap I can’t win here LOL. Gonna stop talking now hahaha…..

        2. kat

          “Because it seems I’m not able to influence my body at all, other than in negative ways!”

          Just a thought: have you got your thyroid checked? Sometimes an underactive thyroid makes it difficult to lose weight.

  20. anneke.

    WOW! Lots of comments! Not surprising really. So many of us on this path are ILL! And I totally resonate with the Inherited ancestral stuff.. Bad teeth, depression, bones.. So much. I do what you do for the most part Maria.. BE with it and Allow. Doctors will drug you up to the eyeballs…. Creating even more problems… I come across a lot of people who are taking a LOT of meds… and then meds to deal with the fallout of the meds they were giving for any ailments… These people are wrecks…. It is insanity and yet.. they still trust this paradigm! They still think the doctor is GOD. I find that even Homeopathy now will not work according to the old paradigm… I took a remedy for depression and BOY it brought UP loads of stuff and I was in a terrible state for 2 weeks… Getting aftershocks even now… Nothing can be left down there!
    It all has to come up because Disease is all energetic! ALL of it is. And if everything is energetic it can all be FIXED, HEALED, Recalibrated. By the way, I watched Mary Magdalene last night Maria. Did you watch it? I is a wonderfull film, all about the divine feminine, I was so touched by it. It was beautiful. Wishing you blessings today. And healing and Love.

    1. Anneke
      Well said, and I agree it can all be healed, and simply by allowing this process. Right, it all comes up to be transformed. I haven’t watched the Mary Magdalene film yet. Her wisdom certainly is boundless. I read a channeled message by her decades ago, and she shared that women have not been heard, trusted or believed for a very long time, by men.

      She also said that our bodies can be transformed or as she called it, resculpted in our own image. Especially with the new energies we are in now.

      But, as women, I feel like we are still in the process of letting go of the idea of suffering as a virtue. Of holding onto the pain. And of processing energies for the collective. Because we can’t claim our freedom if we continue to do so.

      We’re being encouraged by both Mary and Yeshua to release that aspect of our womanhood for good. I personally feel I am here as a women to claim that freedom, and to embody the Christ Consciousness because this world sorely needs the divine feminine. Women are not free on this planet.

      But it’s all changing. It has no choice. The divine feminine is here, and she is pissed. No, just kidding. But she does not compromise her joy for anyone. She is in love with herself, and she walks the planet in a sensual state of consciousness. She is no longer trying to deny her sensuality out of fear of being misunderstood as trying to seduce anyone.

      So as we let go of the old role as women, of being the holders of energies and allow ourselves to be in our bodies fully, I believe we will see those bodies begin to transform. But we pretty much have to detach from the pain of humanity.

  21. kat

    “Kat omg I’m so excited for you that so far your script has been well received!! I knew that would be the case. I just have this feeling that this script is going to set off a great domino effect for you which is hidden now but will become apparent soon. Well done you!”

    Thank you Elila. I gave them my treatment. A treatment is basically the whole story written in continuous text that you give to the producers before you write the actual script and they were really impressed with it (their words). A line producer who worked for Star Wars is part of the team now, too and he said that he wishes that established writers had such good character development and an interesting writing style like me. That was soo nice and encouraging to hear. So I’ve known that they like my work for a while. The filming will take place next year so let’s see how that is going to turn out :). I’m not the director though.

    “. I’ve heard it said that when you reach that point is when things start happening, but it’s been this way for a long while and still nothing is moving. So WHATEVER. I just don’t know anymore. ”

    I know exactly what you mean. I’ve come to the conclusion that I’ll have to get rid of all the “spritual” mantras that I willingly and unwillingly internalized over the years. They haven’t helped and they are restricting me. If the situation isn’t ideal then I don’t want to be made to feel like I’m incapable of changing things for the better for myself because I’m not thinking or feeling positively enough and I’m not emptied out enough or whatever rubbish the spiritual community came up with. And at the same time I feel that I can’t get a job that is not 100% in alignment with myself and I’m just talking about side jobs here that would give me a bit more financial security, my actually job is script writing and directing which I love. So this little side job, that doesn’t totally reflect my nature but would not take up much time in my life, is completely out of reach.I still send out applications and really rarely get any answers and those answers are all rejections letters, so naturally my belief that I didn’t get them because they are not in alignment with me is being perpetuated this way. That is also the product of “spiritual thinking” and I’m fucking done with that. It just makes things way more complicated than they should be. It’s a never ending cycle of self blame. I really feel like I wanna empty out all of these shitty beliefs that not only perpetuate this game of self blame but also raise expectations that are never being met, like you said above.

    1. Elila

      Kat that is so cool–when I read that part about what the star wars guy said I said “WOW!!!” right out loud. So if the film does well do you receive any type of royalties or residuals or some sort of “cut”, or do you get a one time fee for your services or both? I don’t know much about the film industry obviously ha.
      And yes I’m feeling something similar with certain ” spiritual” stuff, really confused and wondering if I’ve been kidding myself or hoodwinked into more stuff that doesn’t serve me. But I’ve no energy to analyze it all and really if everything I chose to believe because somewhere in me it made sense and felt “right” is ultimately limiting me or affecting negatively, well then what? Where is there to go from here? Feel like im inthe middle of the ocean. It took a lifetime to let go of limiting beliefs and false indoctrinations and call out so much bullshit, not sure i have the moxy for another round lol. As sweet pea would say im burned to the ground on it all haha, so I guess for now my best bet is to stop moaning and find something to appreciate or laugh at cuz I don’t know what else there could be to do differently. Also a bit confused about the paradigm of “work” because I can see clearly that the old ways of chasing and toiling away just for the paycheck, even part time, just don’t work anymore. But I’m super unclear about what WOULD work or how to use the new energies in a beneficial way. Annnnnnnywho…,…really hating that I sound whiny so I think I’ll shut up and go for a walk lol–i hope your having a lovely day across the pond my friend!

      1. kat

        ” So if the film does well do you receive any type of royalties or residuals or some sort of “cut”, or do you get a one time fee for your services or both? I don’t know much about the film industry obviously ha.”

        Yeah I get 5% off the profits which is good. And I get an additional sum if the profits exceed 1million. But the film hasn’t been made yet so it’s gonna take a while until anything comes flowing in 😉

        “But I’m super unclear about what WOULD work or how to use the new energies in a beneficial way. ”

        You expressed it so well! And yes, me, too!!

        “…really hating that I sound whiny so I think I’ll shut up and go for a walk lol–i hope your having a lovely day across the pond my friend!”

        I don’t think you sound whiny, but I know what you mean. Sometimes when I’m in a whiny mood myself and write about what bothers me, it goes on my nerves as well. But I didn’t read what you wrote as whiny at all. 🙂

        Great to you, too my friend 🙂

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