Imagine a World….

Art by a Maria Chambers

As I sit here at Starbucks, I am enjoying watching the baristas doing their daily dance of creating and serving coffee elixirs.  But this morning there is a refreshing twist,  as they wear their pajamas.  Mostly Christmas-themed, including fuzzy holiday slippers.
Continue reading “Imagine a World….”

Who’s Riding on Your Coat-tails?

You probably have experienced someone trying to ride on your coat-tails either financially or emotionally. Maybe it used to be something you enjoyed, or thought was your responsibility. You thought that your service to humanity was in that capacity. To hold energies for others and for the planet.  But you may have noticed that it no longer feels right.
Continue reading “Who’s Riding on Your Coat-tails?”

What Is This New Consciousness Anyway?

Art by Maria Chambers

It’s no news that this beautiful blue Planet doesn’t yet embrace or honor the feminine energies.  Every man and woman who lives here knows this in their hearts. Continue reading “What Is This New Consciousness Anyway?”