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Once upon a time there was a CEO of a large company. His name was Bob. The company was handed down to him by his father, and his father’s father because this company was in the family for generations. Bob took a great deal of pride in running his company. He loved so many aspects of being in charge of so many people, so many departments, and so much enterprise. He worked very hard to maintain his position because, just as his father and grandfather and great-grandfather passed on to their beneficiaries the physical business, they also passed on their ideology of working hard, being competitive, not trusting easily, and not taking anything for granted. Continue reading “The CEO”

Divine Feminine Speaks To Men

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I am the Divine Feminine, and I am here to address the courageous men who are in the forefront of the transformation from a carbon based to a crystalline based reality.  I am addressing those who are in the forefront of a consciousness shift that has not been done before in such numbers. Continue reading “Divine Feminine Speaks To Men”

The Mind: Arrested Development

Art by Maria Chambers

Disclaimer:  No minds were harmed in any way during the writing of this article.

One of my cafe friends is well into his 70 s.  He is brilliant.  He can talk about a myriad of subjects, and can do the New York Times crossword in under 30 minutes.  Yet, developmentally, on an emotional level, he is still a 14 year old boy.  He still blames his parents for his unhappiness.  He is still angry that the other boys bullied him, and the girls rejected him.

Continue reading “The Mind: Arrested Development”