Light, Dark and Purpose

If anyone tells you, even someone from the New Age, or Spiritual community, that enlightenment is all about the light, run!

If they tell you that you are here to fight the darkness, run…run fast!

If they tell you that you are here to save humanity, get out of there as quickly as you can!

If they tell you that God, all that is, is pure light – and is all-knowing, make yourself scarce!

If they tell you that you must be always kind and loving and patient, and that a spiritual person is always peaceful, because that’s how Jesus was, smile at them and say, “Take a hike!

An enlightened human accepts the darkness in themselves and in the world.  They are not afraid of all the so-called dark feelings (sadness, fear, anger, impatience, frustration, anxiety, self-doubt, self-hatred…and I’m sure you can add some of your own)…because they know it’s not who they are, so those emotions can come and go quickly and easily.  They honor all of their feelings, even the ones generated from the mind.

They know that the way to feeling joy isn’t by shoving down those emotions.  They already tried that to no avail.  It just made their lives more chaotic and painful.  Because they then kept drawing in experiences and relationships that would activate those repressed emotions.  They began to realize that those emotions and thoughts weren’t even theirs to begin with, but were inherited from their family and grandparents and great-grandparents, and some from mass consciousness.  What others didn’t acknowledge, they would take on and process – making them their own issues.  It’s something lightworkers have done for eons.

But it’s a brand new day!

No longer is it necessary to do that – to process for others.  Now it’s all about being sovereign, all about feeling the joy.  It’s all about allowing all those energies of sadness, of despair, of boredom, to come and go.  Knowing that there is something far grander to experience.

That simply being here is enough for now, without having to prove anything to yourself or anyone else, without having to work at your enlightenment.  Without having to have a ‘purpose’.  You can have desires, and things you want to create, yes.  But purpose is defined as “the reason something exists.”

That’s a hard one to let go of, but it’s what is causing so many awakening ones such battle.  They ask, “why do I not feel any purpose anymore?”  Then they think there is no passion.  “Without purpose, why do I exist?  Why am I here?  Without purpose, my life has no meaning!”

So they find themselves running around trying to latch onto some kind of purpose.  Or they try to reactivate an old passion, but it doesn’t work.  In the new energy, purpose has no foothold.

We are being stripped, by our own request, of everything that no longer serves us, and it’s actually the mind that clings to purpose, not the heart.  “But without purpose, won’t I be directionless?”  It will feel that way to your mind, yes.  But there is no real direction necessary now.  There is just a beautiful unfolding from the inside out, a melding of your divine with your human, an acceptance of all your aspects, even the dark ones.

And as painful as it sometimes is, it’s a joy, and it doesn’t need purpose to justify its existence.

Purpose is being replaced by Just for the joy of the experience.

Album Art FInal

Enjoy my song, Left My Old Self Behind