Resistance is Futile


What we are witnessing out there right now is resistance to change.   Change, expansion, is a natural part of evolution.  But chaos isn’t.  Chaos is the by-product of resistance to evolutionary change.

But resistance is futile.  Change, expansion is inevitable.  Source desires it.  Our soul desires it.  And, even though our human self resists mightily, it wants it, too.

Meanwhile, the chaos, the anger, the destruction, the fear…..well, it is what it is.  The imbalances in the governments, in the corporations, in the economies….they are what they are.   

The imbalances in our bodies, our finances or our relationships, they are what they are, too.

I have discovered through a lot of my own kicking and screaming, that this transformational process is happening, with my permission.  I gave the green light to my soul to come in and take the helm.

My soul has already become realized.  Our soul is already realized, already enlightened.  As the human we are becoming aware of that truth.  Many of us wanted to experience being embodied masters while living here on Earth.  To live as realized masters. To that end, our soul and light body are integrating with us, the human.

Our transformation is already well under way.  And as the human we can’t really at this point slow it down or speed it up.

It’s going at exactly the right pace for each of us.

So as much as our human mind tries to control it, orchestrate it, push it, or resist it, it’s happening anyway.  The question is, do we want to experience it kicking and screaming, or do we want to experience it more gracefully?

Kicking and screaming often looks something like the events of this past Wednesday in the United States.  Not pretty.  And unnecessary.  

Our own resistance to our transformation may not be that extreme, but sometimes it feels like there are still aspects of us that are storming our house, and invading our freedom and peace.

But as the human it’s not our job to wrestle with any of those aspects, with the ones that feel anger, resentment, or fear.  Our job is to feel whatever comes up, but understand that they are not our problem.

Our soul is handling it for us.  It is distilling the wisdom, and transforming the energies.  Whether that means aspects are coming home to be integrated, or released.   

Can you imagine if all that was up to us, the human?  

It’s an intense time right now, for the world, for us.  And it’s going to get even more intense.  All the more reason to trust our soul to handle our transformation.  And the best way to do that is to accept things as they are in our body, in our life, in our mind, and in the world outside our door.

That doesn’t mean that we should allow others to disrespect our boundaries.  We need to set clear boundaries with others at times.  We may find ourself in circumstances where our openness is being disrespected.   

Others may want to feed off of us energetically.  We know when this is happening by how we feel.  As we go into our realization, we may begin to need more time for ourself, and can’t afford to be fed off of by anyone.

We are not interested in engaging in drama, and that includes with those close to us.

So making our position clear, without having to over-explain or negotiate, is imperative.  If guilt comes up around setting boundaries you can be sure that your soul is working on releasing it from your energy field once and for all.

So, change is inevitable. We are pioneers of change. Why not relax into it as best as we can? Because, as we know, resistance is futile.

© Copyright 2020 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. Please feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

10 thoughts on “Resistance is Futile

  1. Leslie Nathan

    Thanks for the article. I’d be interested in expressing my thoughts regarding this I was wondering if I could do that with you via email. Thanks

  2. elizabethsadhu

    Thank you dear SiSTAR! love love love

    “Our transformation is already well under way. And as the human we can’t really at this point slow it down or speed it up.
    It’s going at exactly the right pace for each of us.”
    HELL YES! Fucking awesome!

    I AM trusting my soul……
    “It’s an intense time right now, for the world, for us. And it’s going to get even more intense. All the more reason to trust our soul to handle our transformation. And the best way to do that is to accept things as they are in our body, in our life, in our mind, and in the world outside our door.”

    I am finding great joy in faith and love.

    I am flowing with the go and it feels so fine. AND very fucking intense at times.

    love you tons and tons

    Loving us all!!!!

    Loving myself so that I can love all my neighbors. And I do mean ALL!!!!

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