A safe place


I’m sitting here sipping my morning dark roast, and I see a helicopter overhead.  It’s never a good sign.  It turns out there is a school lock down at the local Middle school, right across the parking lot from here.  Patrols are looking for the student with the gun.  Apparently they already found four guns within the school property.  I don’t know if anyone was hurt.  A young family gave me the details just now.  They were sitting with their young son, who happened to run late today and missed the chaos. Continue reading “A safe place”

Setting Everyone Free

Hello my dear friends!

Well, I’m breaking my word and coming back a little early from my retreat.  (Life is full of little surprises!). It seems I am quite refreshed and ready to reconnect.  I hope you are having an enjoyable summer (or winter depending on your location).

I appreciate each and every one of you in this wonderful little community!  I say ‘little’ because in the scheme of things we are not a large group, compared to where most of the planet’s population is at right now consciousness wise! But as Abraham of Abraham-Hicks wisely stated, “There’s never a crowd on the leading edge!”  Besides, you don’t need a majority to create a paradigm shift.

I am proud and honored to be in a small but devoted group of souls who are bold enough to slowly let go of their story. Even though that story has been their identity literally forever! Brave souls who decided a while ago that enough is enough, and began their journey of no longer playing the victim in life.  So you opened that door to your freedom, and began allowing your Christ Consciousness in, even though that blew your life apart as you knew it. Even though you weren’t quite sure as the human what it meant and where it was all leading, you did whatever it took to initiate your freedom. So I hope that, no matter what you may still be going through, you have the deepest compassion for yourself.  If you can laugh, you are doing well, because it’s just too easy to feel stuck and start believing the stuff the mind churns out.

For me, it’s been an interesting couple of months. I did some venturing outside my community and took a few road trips to some areas of Florida I had not been to. It was refreshing to get out of my neighborhood without having to board a plane…not fond of flying these days.

But the most interesting ‘trip’ was the one that happened all too close to home. Continue reading “Setting Everyone Free”