The Odd Couple

Art by a Maria Chambers

There are two major schools of thought relative to Embodied Enlightenment.

  1. One is that our human self has virtually no say in all of the transforming taking place.  It’s at the complete mercy of these rarified energies of light being downloaded into our bodies and our lives.  If our soul wants us to have all these sometimes unbearable challenges, both physically and emotionally, there is nothing we can do but concede.  Eventually our human self just melds into our I Am.
  2. Another perspective is that Enlightenment is all about becoming a healthier, younger, wealthier version of our old, human self.  But we will have the bonus of being able to move objects at will, and heal the sick.  We become a ‘better’ human.

Is it any wonder there is confusion and even disappointment in this process?  It is neither of those versions.

Yes, it feels like we are being thrown around and our lives are upside down.  But it’s not because spirit wants us to go through pain and suffering.  It’s not for any type of ‘lessons.’  We are beyond lessons.

The pain we feel is the resistance that has been a deep part of our being for eons.  It will bring up various issues to be released.  It is also the light body adjusting to the human body and vice versa.   There is no intent on spirit’s side to have a difficult time.  But unfortunately, it is part of this process.  Most of the physical and emotional conditions we inherited are in the process of being resolved.  Albeit more slowly than we are comfortable with.

But because we wanted to take the accelerated path this lifetime, we are facing a boat load of resistance.  The bigger the dream, the more resistance.

If we look at some people’s lives, they are relatively healthy.  They seem to be doing fine. They are not going through much physically or emotionally.  No major dilemmas.  But they are not asking for very much either.

Art by Maria Chambers

We are.  We are the pioneers who stepped forward and said we wanted to be the first to go into the New Energy.  And, by the way, we are the ones who are bringing in that New Energy to the planet.  So we are asking, big time.  We are receiving, big time.


So this enlightenment is a partnership.  The human is not pushed aside, nor is it taken over by spirit.  It may feel that way because when spirit is invited in, it feels completely different from the human.  Different, not better.  Two completely opposites coming together can be, initially, like The Odd Couple times a billion.

But our soul is still getting to know us as the human, on such an intimate level.  It’s in the process of regaining the human’s trust.   We trusted spirit as little children, didn’t we?  But we had to push spirit aside for survival purposes.  Consequently we felt abandoned.  We played out those feelings with our parents, our mates, and others.

When I allow my Divine Presence in my body, it feels amazing.  I feel expansive.  I feel really turned on by simple things.  But it’s not like being under the influence of a substance type of high.  It’s focused.  I am both outside and inside my reality, and I am perfectly functioning.  I can drive, walk, and do any of a number of things that require focus.

During those times I have no concerns about my safety, or my health, or finances, or relationships.  My human mind is still there, but it’s not nagging at me.  I can still feel in the background, the limited thoughts and emotions to a degree.  But they are not players in those moments.

And I am always in control of how much I will allow in of this ecstatic presence.   When I am alone I feel the fullness of it.  When I am in public I will tone it down a bit.  That will probably change over time as I become more comfortable with it.

Spirit in its unbridled joy can be a bit rambunctious.  Like a child who just wants to play.  How long has it been since we have allowed that feeling, of just wanting to play?

In fact, many of us were warned by well-meaning humans, not to get too ‘high’ because there will be a price to pay.

But what a price we have been paying, for playing in the sandbox of lack and limitation.

So our human self, while it is only a temporary self while here on Earth, is just as important as our Expanded self.  Without our human self, our soul couldn’t experience this reality.

Besides, our soul is absolutely fine with our human self just as it is.  It really isn’t trying to change that self.  It just wants to be in its life.   And in my experience, my life is so much sweeter, so much more sensual, and so much more fun with my soul.

© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. P!ease feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

7 thoughts on “The Odd Couple

  1. elizabethsadhu

    Oh Maria—how do you do it? You write JUST what I needed to hear! Oh my gosh!

    I have been struggling a bit……I have been very inward while my beloved hubby is away from home (it will be 2 months, the longest we have ever been apart in 26 years years). I am in a lovely quiet zone. AND I have been a bit in hell (this is mostly when I feel disconnected from Spirit and get caught up in that 3D/old earth shoulds). AND I keep thinking that I thought I was through this shit…….Ha! AND it seems to be all around my physical body and unhappiness with it and yuk feelings (of old, I might say).

    I got a fabulous message from my guides, The Beans and the M and M’s (AA Michael and my passed to another dimension friend Michael). They said if I felt yukky about me I am to say, “I am fucking awesome!” This is not the first time they have suggested this. They keep telling me not to diet. They keep telling me to be patient, it is all unfolding…….and in this 3D world of bodies, bodies, bodies (it is all about how we look…..) I have been in despair at times. I had been thinking that I would lose 20 pounds while my honey was gone. Sheesh! Well, you just can’t push the river……

    Since I have been in this quiet mode, several of my lovely and fabulous friends here in town apparently have been worried/concerned about me. One even told me she thought I was depressed. I told them that I was blissing out in quiet and loving it and because I have not been my usual perky, let me uplift everyone, self…..this is where they went. Interesting, eh? My beautiful, lovely, dear friends (and I do love them and value them)……but they live in 3D and who can I talk to about this shit, but my lovely kindreds here?

    Thanks for listening everyone! I CANNOT tell you how much I appreciate you, Maria, and all of you here.

    This really spoke to me!
    “Yes, it feels like we are being thrown around and our lives are upside down. But it’s not because spirit wants us to go through pain and suffering. It’s not for any type of ‘lessons.’ We are beyond lessons.
    The pain we feel is the resistance that has been a deep part of our being for eons. It will bring up various issues to be released. It is also the light body adjusting to the human body and vice versa. There is no intent on spirit’s side to have a difficult time. But unfortunately, it is part of this process. Most of the physical and emotional conditions we inherited are in the process of being resolved. Albeit more slowly than we are comfortable with.
    But because we wanted to take the accelerated path this lifetime, we are facing a boat load of resistance. The bigger the dream, the more resistance.”

    Thank you, Maria! Divine presence is here and never went away, I just got caught up and did not see for a bit. 🙂 ❤ ❤ ❤

    love, E

  2. elizabethsadhu

    PS. So much going on, but I wanted to share one more thing. I got a new mantra for myself…..which also may work for everyone, “Loving myself NOW is the answer to everything!”


    My inner guidance has said to be quiet, dwell in the silence, be in the joy of these moments…….AND my old earth “CAN DO” self has been slightly rebellious and thinking I must DO something.

    love love love love love…….

    1. Dear siSTAR goddess….first of all, I can’t top the wisdom you are getting from the M&Ms….to proclaim your magnificence, and to stop the diets. Our Expanded self’s guidance is always pretty simple, isn’t it? And of course our dear mind wants it to be more complicated. More painful, and more expensive.

      I may have said this before but I was overweight (heavier than I had ever been in my life) for a period of time a few years ago and I knew it was ascension weight, and probably even just stress weight in general. I tried different things but nothing worked. But over time, along with this integration, the weight just shed on its own. I was never one to enjoy low fat anything. I loves me cheeses, me carbs, and of course a heaping helping of ice cream and cookies after dinner. And the closest thing to exercise is when I walk a bit. But I am pretty sedentary for the most part.

      And that’s so interesting about not being your usual ‘ perky uplifting everybody else’ self you then are thought by others to be depressed. The same was thought of me. When I withdrew the Mother Maria nurturing, it made others uncomfortable. They tried to find something ‘wrong’ with me that needed to be fixed.

      In fact, now that I think about it, the extra weight shed as I let go of that nurturing role….there is definitely a connection there.

      And as I look at you I see a beautiful woman, both inside and out.💕

      1. elizabethsadhu

        Yes yes yes….. The nurturing thing…. Oh my gosh! I really thought I was done! Heehee…. Just when you think it is gone……..ha! 😜😜🎉🎉😇😇💓💓

        And the other thing The Beans said, “your judgment of yourself weighs a lot!”
        They also said to just get into my sexy goddess self. (25 or so years ago, I “heard” that I am a Sexy Goddess and I put SG after my name on my checks. 😀😀😀💓💓💓

        Loving the shedding of this old shit…. Of yes. Great realizations!

        Thanks for getting it so beautifully!

        Love you, Elizabeth, SG

          1. elizabethsadhu

            Giggling now. 😘😘😘😘😘💓💓💓💓💓💓💓🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉

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