It’s a Man’s World, Not So Much Anymore

Photo Credit Maria Chambers

Today On my walk I ran across this creature, and I was fascinated by its beauty.   And what it was about to do fascinated me even more.

As is customary, the turtle moves very slowly and will retreat into its home, its shell if it feels threatened.

As I walked closer it did just that, until it recognized that I was no real threat.  Then it slowly worked its way to a small tree near the road, and began to dig a hole with its hind legs.  I was intrigued.  I wasn’t sure what was happening.  So I watched for awhile.

it continued to methodically shovel dirt with its hind legs, first with the left one, then the right one, until I began to realize this could take awhile.  So I left my ancient friend to do what it seemed determined, albeit painstakingly slowly, to do.

At home I looked up the turtle’s behavior on google and discovered that it’s a nesting activity, and that the turtle was about to lay eggs.

Apparently an act that has been taking place for over 200 million years.

As I continued reading, I discovered that Mother turtle would give birth to her offspring, cover them up with earth to incubate them, and then move on, not returning to the nest.  The little ones were left to fend for themselves.

And I bet none of those little turtles have abandonment issues.  Nor do they feel obligated to call on dear old mom at the holidays.

I’m just taking a moment to savor that thought.

Looking back at motherhood’s history, I am sure many women wouldn’t mind being less tethered to their offspring.  Not that they don’t love their kids, but they have also been mothering humanity for eons of time.

They have also been accommodating the patriarchy and the toxic male energy for far, far too long.  Women found themselves in the role of assuaging the male anger, and protecting the fragile male ego, for purposes of self protection, mostly.  So it became a default behavior that was equated to love.  The over-nurturing, and turning a blind eye to being disrespected and abused.

Image Credit Maria Chambers


Women had become the mothers to humanity, which included self-sacrifice as part of her service.  She downloaded the emotional and even the physical wounds of her fellow brothers and sisters.  She felt helpless to emancipate herself lest she be the target of male aggression.

it’s not personal. It’s a galactic story. Women have been doing it for thousands of years. It’s why we’re seeing such an uprising in so many women across the globe. They’re not taking it any more.

Because the Christ Consciousness has been birthed here at this time, along with the Divine Feminine, we are seeing the response to that consciousness in not so comfortable ways.

What we are seeing acted out on the world stage, the toxic masculinity being acknowledged and not side stepped as acceptable any more….and seeing that it’s been built on a house of cards…the efforts to protect a very fragile male ego.  One that believes itself to be abandoned by the feminine, and feeling actually unworthy of her love.

If that were not so, there would not be so much aggression, and demeaning of the feminine.  Think of it as a child who hates its mother because it feels abandoned by her.  Underneath the hate there is a wounded little child who believes he somehow is responsible for her seemingly withdrawing her love and attention.

But rather than facing the deep feelings of abandonment and pain, he projects it onto her.  Is this an oversimplified explanation?  Well, if we look at the behaviors toward the female of those in power, and even those who live a low profile, humble life, perhaps even our own family or associates, we see various degrees of that anger.

Both overt and subtle sexism and misogyny live in our culture.

And of course this toxicity applies to both genders, as we see that many women try to also uphold the illusion of male power as being the right way.

Meanwhile the wounds of both the masculine and feminine have been playing out here for eons of time.


So as uncomfortable as it is for all concerned, these waves of protest and exposure of the toxic masculine are a good sign.  The Feminine withdrawing its energetic support of an imbalanced masculine is taking place worldwide,  Yes, there is a long way to go as far as real change is concerned, but it’s a good start.

Art by Maria Chambers

The mothering, nurturing behaviors of the feminine toward others, and especially toward the masculine,  is suddenly seen as being more of a protective behavior and less as a loving behavior.

The woman allowing the man to use his power to manipulate and to abuse her emotionally or physically is now felt deeply within her as unacceptable no matter the consequences.

Even if it means losing the male support she had come to rely upon.

And of course we realize that change won’t happen by simply changing laws and enforcing them, or even by the masculine and the feminine being more conscious of their attitudes, about how they feel about themselves and about each other.

Yet all necessary steps in the evolution of the species.

But until the masculine and feminine in each individual is united, in love and co-operation, nothing changes very much.  But then, if we look at our turtle friend, we see that slow and sure wins the race.

© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. P!ease feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers,

27 thoughts on “It’s a Man’s World, Not So Much Anymore

  1. Woah Maria, I love this. Love how you led from your observation, and subsequent research into, the turtle’s ancient, instinctual behaviour. This closely mirrors how I find things out myself. Because we absolutely never stop learning and growing do we? Contemplation of the natural world, even the objects that ‘people’ our daily lives, can really trigger a line of what often turns out to be very profitable enquiry.

    I do not allow myself to be diverted from my own quest by anybody or anything. Our time is really here at last, and Maria, you have waited even longer than I have! Not that time means much when the big picture is eternity. Slow and steady indeed.

    Many of my best associates throughout my life are those who kept their light burning ‘under a bushel’ as the old saying goes. It’s from the Bible I guess. A bushel is something like, uh, a stack of hay, or grain, or oats on a wheelbarrow. Don’t quote me on that lol! But the point I’m really making is – these were humble people with cast-iron integrity and faithfulness to their own inner light. Many of them were diagnosed and ‘written off’ as lunatics. It would be scandalous how we have been treated, except that sometimes we are able to turn even ‘being written off’ to our favour. I know I have.

    At school I excelled in the arts, English and foreign languages. Maths and science were my nemesis. Even that has turned right around, as I make studying my bank balance and till receipts into an amusing and productive hobby (yes, it does seem to result in never having to go without anything I need – because of a deeply held conviction that I should never have to). And science, well in my small way I’m turning that around too! Because true science is what you and I practise Maria. It is coming to conclusions and developing theories based only on what used to be called ’empirical’ data. In plain English? It’s stuff we know from experience, from the kind of close observation, contemplation and personal research that you describe in this post.

    In other words? We come to no conclusions based only on hearsay or what was up until now written in books. We insist on ‘testing out’ our own hypotheses and will not feel comfortable defending them until we have done so. Because personal ego, a desire for worldly recognition or even wealth plays NO PART in our quest for knowledge. The fact that we literally have no ‘agenda’ except our natural, childlike curiosity, is indeed, our greatest strength.

    Let’s face it, just as women have been demonstrably able to outshine males at almost anything they set their minds to? Scientific luminaries in the his-story that makes up the patriarchal past on this planet have often been women such as Marie Curie to name just one very obvious one. Males are more likely to be inventors, because historically and even genetically they have been required to compete and make money somehow. Freeing them from that obligation is just as important a part of this Human Liberation Movement lol as freeing any female, because honestly? The women have streaked ahead and many males are actively cheering us on at every step.

    Well in my own life I see miracles, small and somewhat bigger ones lol, every single day. No two people can ever agree on what constitutes a miracle because it is an intensely personal thing. I can only speak for myself obviously, but all is going according to plan and I am mentally and emotionally at peace as never before.

    Thank you Maria for allowing me to share my thoughts at a level and depth I don’t often get the chance to do.

    1. Louise
      As always, I love your insights and How you uniquely describe your experiences. And a big nod to this:

      “…it does seem to result in never having to go without anything I need – because of a deeply held conviction that I should never have to.”

      And so agree that it’s not anymore about lofty spiritual concepts we entertain ourselves with…’s now all about walking the talk. Putting into practice our knowledge. So I love this :

      “Because personal ego, a desire for worldly recognition or even wealth plays NO PART in our quest for knowledge. The fact that we literally have no’agenda’ except our natural, childlike curiosity, is indeed, our greatest strength.”

      Thank you dear friend, and fellow teacher, for sharing. 💕💕💕

  2. sweet pea

    ug Maria, thank you always for speaking truth to this stuff so beautifully. i’ve been really heavy with this energy still lately… writing it out in my journals and poetry helps… but good gracious i’m all kinds of done with the patriarchy, the misogyny, the sexism, etc… it’s all a buncha exhausting bull poo 🙄

    hope y’all have been doing good 💕

    1. Yes sweet pea, it’s too much to even contemplate at times. It is indeed, “all a buncha exhausting bull poo.” Well described!!!

      I don’t think many women have actually allowed themselves to acknowledge how it has impacted them, their bodies and their lives….

      and excellent way to express and channel the emotions, through writing, I never leave home without my journal.

      As always, it’s great to hear from you. Love and hugs🤗💕💕💕💕

    2. Elila

      Sweet pea!!! So glad to hear from you! I’ve been asking after you and so I’m glad to see you’re still hanging out with us here 😉
      As usual I agree with what you have said here and also with what Maria has responded– especially the part about what it does to our BODIES– that really struck a cord. Loads of love to you both!!

      1. sweet pea

        you tooo Elila! 🤗💕 hugs to you both.

        and yes my body is suuuuuuuper over it 🙄 my body for years has been stuck in 3 places relentlessly…

        1. root & sacral chakra… pretty obvious 😔

        2. power center… pretty obvious too 😔

        3. shoulders… carrying the weight of the world

        ug… i just want to dissolve it all 😭 take your energy back you toxic jerks! 😜

        1. Kat

          “1. root & sacral chakra… pretty obvious 😔”

          Sweet pea, that’s me now!
          My root chakra has been playing up this year. One thing I attest to problems related to the root chakra is this chronic disease (I still refuse to call it like this though, it implies longevity) I’ve been diagnosed with. Bascially I have an inflammation of the end part of my colon and currently I am in an acute episode . I figured out that my acute episodes correlate with my menstrual cycles, meaning, they come around the same time as my period. That sounds to me like I am dealing not only with security issues but also with female issues, which has been such a massive global theme this year. No wonder I have this crap going on right now. I hope it will be let go soon.
          Interestingly enough there are loads of people in my circle of friends that have been having symptoms of inflammation: be it pancreas, shoulder or whatever. And mostly those were either young or usually very healthy people. I really feel it’s very much a global thing.
          Hope you feel much better soon hun

          1. Kat,
            So interesting about the inflammations and being female issues especially. I agree. I have had over time a few inflammation issues, especially one, interstitial cystitis. Which I believe is mostly a female problem. Feels like very stuck energy. And it is comforting to know it’s not personal. Lots of suppressed anger I would say, especially from women. Generations of suppressed anger. And women’s penchant to take on the pain of others. And, yes, thankfully that is in the process of leaving…for good.

  3. Kat

    “And, yes, thankfully that is in the process of leaving…for good.”

    It goes hand in hand with the Weinstein scandal and all the other things that are coming to light now. No wonder we have all these issues right now. The Earth is dealing with the healing of the hurt feminine instensely now and we all are feeling the effects.

  4. sweet pea

    hi Kat! 🤗💕 hope you are good!

    ug i’ve been in suuuuch an angry place about all this energy around women. i’ve been writing a lot of it out in poetry and journaling, and when it comes out i’m surprised just how much anger i’ve had inside me about it all. and i think when i’m in that kinda energy really heavily i’m just not drawn here – like Maria’s blog protects itself from my negativity lol 😁😁😁

    and yes so much, just a lot of energy everywhere coming up with the hurt feminine. for me the worst one in all this mess is there is a religious pedophile running for a US senate position in the state of Alabama. because he is a “religious conservative”, the religious right in our country has literally started making excuses for pedophelia now, explaining why it’s not actually wrong, and using the bible and religion to justify it 🙄🙄🙄. it’s all kinds of crazytown, and because of my history with religion and sexual abuse as a child, it’s been sooooo triggering for me 😞. in general, there is a just a really big attempt at a war on women in the US right now through government and religion, and it’s just sooooo heavy and exhausting. but yes about this energy leaving for good… i really try to keep reminding myself that it’s not getting worse, this is stuff that’s all just being brought to the surface for us to purge.

    and yes so much about the root and sacral chakra energy ug 😫… for me it’s related to chronic illness too, but i’m just like you and i won’t take on an “incurable” mindset of it either. no ma’am. and yes, inflammation issues here too… my body in general is just exhausted with all the work in dealing with of all the energy of all the things. my body just feels like such a demanding prison most times. i just ache for the day that my body actually becomes a home for my soul 😔

    grrr reading all that back i guess i’m still in a pretty angry place about everything 😁, but happy i feel drawn here again. hugs to you 💕💕💕

  5. And sweet pea, I just wanted to say that the anger is such an important part of this whole process of embodied enlightenment, especially for women. I went through a whole s–t load of anger and it was good while at the same time rattled me because we are taught as women to sit on our anger. I was so angry I would sit in my car, roll up the windows and scream and scream at the top of my lungs. And, like you I expressed it in journaling. And I expressed it in artwork.

    The anger needs a voice just like all the other emotions, even more than the others. And, no, it’s not ours really, it came from generations of oppression, but it’s there none the less.

    So honoring it, and giving it safe expression is so important.

    I am about to publish a post relative to this whole thing happening in the U.S. with the administration and sexism, so you may want to give it a read and I would love your imput.
    Love and hugs.🌹💕💕💕

  6. sweet pea

    omg Maria yesss… 😩

    “we are taught as women to sit on our anger”

    i still hold MYSELF to the “southern good girl” standards i was raised with. sit there quietly and speak no other way than sweetly.

    and yes sooooo much…

    “And I expressed it in artwork.” and “honoring it, and giving it safe expression is so important. ”

    this is really the first time in my life i’ve let the anger come out of me so verbally an unapologietically, and writing it out in poetry is the only way i’ve been able to do it and not feel ashamed.

    and yes ma’am, i look forward to it. i feel like i tried to detach myself from what’s going so much that didn’t let myself acknowledge at all. i still have to keep a safe distance and not get lost in the low energy mess of it all, but now i’m at least allowing myself to verbalize what i feel about the underlying energy of it so that i can process it and release it instead of pretending to ignore it, all the while burying it inside of me. 😔 i would love to hear your take on it all because you always so perfectly acknowledge these things, but from a higher perspective that helps me rise above it a little 💕💕💕

    1. Yeah, sweet pea…it’s a process and it sounds like you are right where you need to be. I’m so happy you are allowing yourself to feel and express your anger. I know you are going to feel so much lighter as you unburden yourself of old energy that doesn’t need to be in you anymore.
      It does get better. Thank you for weighing in. It’s always so nice to hear from you. And yes, I look forward to our conversations…so many things happening on the planet.💕

      1. sweet pea

        yes so much…

        “…so many things happening on the planet.💕”

        i will say tho, kinda nice how lately it feels like the collective mainstream is finally starting to deal with some of this energy out in the open… maybe time for energy sponges like us to be able to take a lil’ bit of a load off 😋

      2. Oh, yes. Good point. I am happy to report that I have been detaching from the energies out there. It feels very different considering how ‘absorbent’ I used to be. We came in with not only the lightworker’s blessing/curse of energetically taking on other’s stuff, for humanity, but also as women, who have carried the wounded heart of humanity for a very long time. Double whammy!

        We’re finally in the process of letting all of that go and walking into our sovereignty. Whew!

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