Women As Ascended Masters

Art by a Maria Chambers

It is true that as our soul, we are genderless, but I find it interesting that most of the Ascended Masters I have heard of have been men.  One could argue that history, in this case spiritual history, had a way of not recognizing the achievements of the female of our species.  But I suspect that’s not the case here.

So, female Ascended Masters. Mother Theresa doesn’t count.  She never got past playing the martyr.  Yeshua played the martyr at the end there…but then he transcended it when he recognized that playing martyr gets you nowhere.

It’s no news that women on the planet have played a difficult role for a very, very long time.  The challenges of being a woman have been extraordinary.  And this is not said to evoke sympathy, because we as women placed ourselves in these roles.  Yes, we are moving beyond those roles.  Yet, regardless of the strides in women’s rights, even in this day and age, the feminine energies are not very welcome on the planet.

I won’t go into all the details and the history of why this is so, since I have covered that subject extensively in other posts.

And really, in every woman’s heart, she knows this.  Some may try to hide this truth from themselves, but if you are in a female body, or if you are a man who embodies more of the feminine resonance, you know the challenges you have faced and in some ways continue to face.

And, as much as I adore the dear Ascended Masters…..yes, I love all of you eternally, dear Ascended Masters, and I thank you for giving us your love and encouragement.  But, just between you and me, let’s place a bet.  If you decide to come back to live another lifetime here, why don’t you come in as a female?  I’m willing to bet you won’t hang around too long.

If you ask the average, unawakened male of the species, how they would feel if they woke up tomorrow as a female, what do you suppose they would say?  Of course, they are virtually obligated to say that the first thing they would do is play with their breasts.  But, once we are past that remark, the thought of having to live the rest of their life out as a female would trigger fear in them.

And that’s because he knows that this world is not very welcoming of the feminine energies.  That it’s not such a safe place for her to reside.

Now, those of us who came in as light-workers, as the New Consciousness Pioneers, do not truly embrace those fears, because as souls we have gone beyond them already.  As our Divine Self, we are genderless.  Yet, we are still in a biological lineage in which those fears are resident.  They are in our cells, in our DNA.

On a soul level, those of us who came in as women knew that our presence here would change the dynamics of the planet.  That there needed to be a rebalancing of attributes from predominantly mental, masculine energies to a balanced feminine-masculine resonance.  It’s why mostly women are drawn to the spiritual path.

So this is just to reassure those who embody the feminine, whether they are women or men, to go easy on yourself.  If you wonder why it seems so difficult.  If you think you should be further along in your enlightenment.

There is a lot you are letting go of.  Your family lineage, your galactic story, mass consciousness.  And just because you want to let them go, it doesn’t mean they want you to go.  There are beings, bodies of consciousness both alive and dead, that want you to stay tethered to them.  They want you to continue in your old role of nurturer and energy holder, and continue to be the one who makes them feel more comfortable so they don’t have to do the inner work.  But the female gender is not here any longer in that capacity…to soothe the insecure and angry male energy.

Art by Maria Chambers


I have written in other posts that as women we have been put down, disrespected and even killed in other lifetimes for expressing spirit.  The often sensual nature of that expression was misunderstood as being sexual.  As trying to seduce the male.  In this lifetime some of us have experienced this disrespect to various degrees on a personal level.  And we witness it on more extreme levels in certain parts of the world, where fathers are permitted to kill their own daughters in the name of betraying the family honor.

So there is still a part of our consciousness as women that is afraid of allowing the full presence of our soul, still not feeling safe to do so.  While to our conscious mind it doesn’t seem so, there may still be a part of us that wants to hold onto the pain as a way of reminding ourself of where we came from, and that we will be paying a price for our freedom.  Of allowing so much joy into our body and our life.

After all, what role models do we even have of that kind of freedom embodied in the female gender?

Art by Maria Chambers


It’s one of the reasons we are here.  We came to not only bring in the much-needed feminine balance to the planet, but to introduce a new type of woman to the planet as well.  Not a woman who is following the tradition of nurturer and hand holder of others.  Not someone who downloads the pain, both physically and emotionally, of her fellow humans.  Not someone who carries on the tradition of pain as a virtue.

We came here to embody our Christ Consciousness.  To demonstrate a type of self-love that humanity has never seen, especially in a woman.  A type of self-love that makes her behave in some really selfish ways.  But they are simply self-caring ways.

And it will have a profound effect on her own life, and while her own body is going through discomfort with such a radical transformation, it eventually comes back into a new type of balance.  And it will have a profound effect on her environment and the people in her life, and it will have a lasting and profound effect on the rest of humanity.

Initially those who are affected by such a radiance may not like it.  They will feel abandoned, angry, and perhaps betrayed.  But didn’t they already feel that way?  We were just trying to keep them from acting out on that anger and betrayal by offering them solace.

But now they will have to go within and depend upon their own nurturance.  They will find that their own Divine Feminine was there all along.  They will come to honor and trust their Divine Feminine and work with her to balance their own life.

And what that does for the rest of the planet, how that plays out eventually, if they are willing to embrace their own Divine Feminine, is peace, co-operation and joy.

© Copyright 2017 Maria Chambers, all rights reserved. P!ease feel free to share this content with others but maintain the article’s integrity by copying it unaltered and by including the author and source website link: Maria Chambers, http://www.soulsoothinsounds.wordpress.com

Enjoy Now’s The Time from my album Simply Divine

29 thoughts on “Women As Ascended Masters

  1. Eliza Ayres

    I’m actually aware of several Ascended Lady Masters including Lady Venus, Lady Isis, Lady Holy Amethyst, Lady Amazon, Lady Portia, Lady Nada, Lady Claudine… and Lady Quan Yin… and a few others who haven’t been heard of on this planet. The masculine energy that has been in ascendance for several thousand years is now being balanced out by the resurgence of the Divine Feminine. Both men and women carry the Divine Masculine and Feminine within. Those persons, male or female, who are currently working on the Path of Return or Ascension, need to work to balance this energies within their own being. Then they will be drawn to others who have also worked on balance so the cooperative work can proceed toward Unity Consciousness.

    1. Thank you Eliza,that is most encouraging and enlightening. And yes, the balance is becoming real as we in human form embody our own soul. And that was my point that as women in human form, becoming embodied masters. And walking the planet as those masters. That is much more challenging. 🌹💕

  2. Holly

    Maria, This is so timely for me today, thank you. Am in an intensive phase of cleaning out my emotional body, one after the other with maybe an hour to recoup in between. I now have so much compassion for myself, it’s amazing that I got through life at all considering the amount of anger, rage, sadness and more coming up. We’ve all found and mastered out own way of wholing. For me, when I feel overtaken by unresolved emotional pain I move it out in front of me and look at this beautiful little energy ball, it’s its own little being really, who held all this for me until this time. The gratitude, love and compassion I have for this aspect of me is enormous. As I thank it and pour divine love into it, it dissolves into happiness, contentment, that part of me is now loved and whole. Well, for the hour anyway until the next one… I’m so f’ing exhausted but know it’s a temporary phase and won’t last long.

  3. elizabethsadhu

    Reblogged this on elizabethsadhu and commented:
    Oh dearest Sistar Goddess! Oh yes! I so needed to read this today. Thank you twenty kazillion times! 🙂

    I love the song! Now’s The Time! Hell yes!

    I am an Empath and I believe that I have been transmuting a lot of energy recently……..perhaps it is time to let that shit go….heehee
    I have been transmuting so much through this wonderful body of mine…..holding a little weight……. ❤ 🙂

    I just believe I finished with my mum……..my hubby is out of town and my mum asked me to come and spend the night at her house (she lives about an hour away) and I shuddered inside and then found myself telling her (this was NOT planned) that I have a hard time being with her because she is so negative…..She is completely immersed in FOX land and says that Trump is the only sane one……just to give you a feel…….I tried to explain how it affects me and that perhaps she could try not immersing herself and she might feel better (she always complains of being tired and she has a slow growing cancer)……I then got an email from her saying that if I would accept Jesus then I would be able to handle reality…..and that she was not giving up on reality, as ugly as it might be. So basically she told me that she is choosing Trump and Fox and and and instead of me. So, now I am liberated from that……although I did have some grief around it.

    Which fit what you said "We came here to embody our Christ Consciousness. To demonstrate a type of self-love that humanity has never seen, especially in a woman. A type of self-love that makes her behave in some really selfish ways. But they are simply self-caring ways."

    AND then you said this, "But now they will have to go within and depend upon their own nurturance. They will find that their own Divine Feminine was there all along. They will come to honor and trust their Divine Feminine and work with her to balance their own life."

    I am releasing all to that Divine Feminine……..thank you thank you thank you!

    Anyway, part of my journey………

    much love to us all……..love you dear Sistar Goddess Maria!


    1. Dear siSTAR goddess Elizabeth….I love your sharing of this story…how your mom like so many women ( my mom did too) argued for her own limitations. She’s not giving up on….HER reality. That is obvious, (and her body is taking the hit.). But it’s certainly not YOUR reality is it?

      So kudos to you for speaking your truth. And that truth shall set you (and ultimately everyone else) free.

      Thank you also for reblogging on elizabethsadhu. Tons of love to you 🌹🌹🌹💕💕

      1. L Elizabeth Sadhu

        My hubby just discovered that my mum has unfriended and blocked him on FB…….he never even made one comment on any of her “interesting” posts……..

        I keep hearing (internally) that she is insane. Hmmmmmm……So, I am now liberated……..I don’t need to be in her reality……..

        THANKS so much for this post. AND thanks so much for BEING YOU!

        much love to us all, E

  4. L Elizabeth Sadhu

    My dearest hubby is gone until the end of June and it is quite the propitious time for me…..I love him dearly and miss him but I am clearing and healing and cleaning out……..Seeing where it all is going…….a whole lotta of pondering going on. 🙂 ❤ ❤


  5. Holly

    Elizabeth, I so resonate with your post! I bet most of us that enjoy this site have similar stories, different characters, but similar stories. Thank you for sharing!

    1. L Elizabeth Sadhu

      Holly! Thanks for writing…….wouldn’t it be fun to all get together somewhere and chat? Having a cup of coffee or glass of red wine?

      love, E

  6. sweet pea

    thank u Maria, so good! 💙💜

    i love how you phrased this…

    “…They want you to continue in your old role of nurturer and energy holder, and continue to be the one who makes them feel more comfortable so they don’t have to do the inner work. But the female gender is not here any longer in that capacity…to soothe the insecure and angry male energy…”

    that perfectly captures so much for me!

    and i do feel it’s true for me that i have not yet ever truly seen the example of the feminine being that i want to be like… and that i’m meant to become her for myself.

    1. Sweet pea…

      No, not many role models out there.

      you, like so many of us, have experienced first hand what it’s like coming into and living in a family environment that discourages and limits that type of freedom. And it’s like your soul is saying, “ok the buck stops here with ME! I’m gonna do my best to no longer buy into the ancestral prison that my mother and her mother on down the line…had to experience.”

      I know you have said that you will not compromise your freedom…I admire your fire and passion. You are an adventurous and capable soul in so many ways.

      1. sweet pea

        yes Maria so much 💜

        “… And it’s like your soul is saying, “ok the buck stops here with ME! I’m gonna do my best to no longer buy into the ancestral prison that my mother and her mother on down the line…had to experience…”

        so funny because yesterday an acquaintance asked me if i was going back home to visit my mama for mother’s day, and i told her i’m not in touch with my mama. then she still went on to ask me what i was doing for mother’s day sort of persistently. i told her i don’t have kids, so i didn’t have anything planned, and she still kept asking about it. it was so weird because she seemed to think i should be doing something big anyways? she’s super nice, it was just a little confusing that she couldn’t grasp that a single 26 year old with no kids, who isn’t in touch with her parents didn’t have plans for mother’s day lol. not really sure what i am supposed to be doing??

        but funny when when i read your response here my first thought was THAT is what I’m doing for mother’s day… “letting go of the ancestral prison that my mother and her mother on down the line…had to experience.” 💜💜💜

        1. Sweet pea…I laughed when I read your story…and I agree with Kat it would make a great comedy…we sure have plenty of material to draw from! And I like your plans for that day!

          My mom passed quite a few years ago, on Mothers Day, actually. I guess it was her way of giving the finger to this reality on her way out. (And actually she and I have a much better relationship now, two souls loving and honoring each other, without the mother daughter b.s. In the way)

          And I don’t have kids either, but I sure have played Mother Maria to quite a few people in my life. So as far as what I’m doing on Sunday….celebrating my inner Mother. Because she’s the best!!! She’s supportive, loving, patient, and she absolutely worships the little girl in me. In fact, she’s taking me out for ice cream and shopping. Wheee!💕💕💕

    2. Kat

      ” an acquaintance asked me if i was going back home to visit my mama for mother’s day, and i told her i’m not in touch with my mama. then she still went on to ask me what i was doing for mother’s day sort of persistently. i told her i don’t have kids, so i didn’t have anything planned, and she still kept asking about it”

      sweet pea, that’s a funny sitution you described. I can picture it being in a movie; an Ascension comedy maybe (something the majority of people probably wouldn’t get), but for us it’s comical (well for me at least).

      “and i do feel it’s true for me that i have not yet ever truly seen the example of the feminine being that i want to be like… and that i’m meant to become her for myself.”

      I feel that there is no role model, we are on our way to become this free, enlightened being ourselves. It’s very exciting actually, as we discover more and more aspects of ourselves that we’ve never seen before, that might surprise us. I love it 🙂

      1. sweet pea

        lol so funny 😋. i’m so out of the mainstream, those “normal” assumptions of how people live catch me off guard.

        and Maria, guess your mom told the old feminine energies just how she felt on the way out. happy to hear your connection is better now. i sorta sense that same thing may happen for me with my own mama. and yeah on sunday i plan to not any kinda motherly or care-takerly to anything other than a pizza maybe 😊

        and yeah Kat i think i’m in that same place as you to where it’s started to feel exciting? i spent my whole life confused why i didn’t fit into the boxes i was supposed to fit in, then trying to explain and justify to others why those boxes don’t feel right, and then the hardest part, fighting against being forced into them. now i just don’t care about y’alls boxes society. i just wanna be free to be me.

  7. Kat

    “now i just don’t care about y’alls boxes society. i just wanna be free to be me.”

    Congratulations hun! That is a great place to be and you’ve come a loong way.

    I watched a programme yesterday about women who have the Burnout syndrome (basically who are so overworked they become exhausted and depressed and can’t function anymore) and the women all had massively high standards for themselves and they all had family who they feel they have to look after on their own basically, although one of them was married and her partner and children all offered her to take over some chores in the household. She still did it by herself and wouldn’t accept help. She admitted to have had a not so nice childhood, but that she’d rather keep a lid on those experience and not open that box. She didn’t want to confront it.
    So basically that was a prime example of what happens when people (in this case women) don’t deal with their issues and keep running away from it. There is no change. (Although at the end she started a therapy and was getting better).

    Oh, and watching that programme perfectly showed me again why I never wanted kids. Although I’d be someone who would expect the husband to take over some chores, too. there is still too much responsibility and too much restriction. No thanks, I’d rather daydream my day away than have this, lol

    1. sweet pea

      you know what has been hard for me to articulate about it all for most of my life, the whole marriage and kids thing is something i’ve simply just never wanted 😕. and by that i mean it just simply never sparked any interest in me…. the very same simple way that some people just don’t want to be professional cyclists, or astronauts, or bee keepers lol. nothing about it captures the day to day life i desire, nothing about it provides the type of relationship i want to have with a love partner, nothing about it would be anything about who i am and want to be. it has always felt so weird to me that it’s something i am supposed to automatically be considering or desiring, and that i’ve had to resist massive pressure from society about not doing it. why??? why aren’t all the people who just don’t want to be professional cyclists, or astronauts, or bee keepers not condemned for not doing those things?? to me it’s the same difference. why isn’t me just not wanting that simple enough a reason, and all is ok? 😳

      it’s this thing that EVERY woman is supposed to want, and it’s such an all-consuming life direction. i think there are tons of women out there who felt pressured into that life, and didn’t truly want it deep down, or who thought it was what they wanted because they didn’t know they had a choice to not want it. and even sadder is that women feel so much shame about not wanting that life, when really it should just be as simple an explanation as “this isn’t what i want for myself”, or even better, it shouldn’t even be a default assumption that every women wants these things, and there should be no need to explain when you don’t.

      every time i’ve ever had a moment in my life where i actually thought of myself being married or having children, i feel the exact same loud, clear, powerful, unwavering feeling…i wouldn’t be me. and it’s that simple. those things aren’t me.

      1. Kat

        Perfectly stated, sweet pea.

        I Absolutely agree with you. I keep hearing bullshit like “yeah you’ll want kids eventually” when I say that I don’t want any. And no, I won’t because that’s not me. Period. Like you I could actually never fathom how other people would want a family and how women especially would really want a life as a housewife and mother. I understand that there are women, who exactly want that, and feel like they are born to do it, but I could never picture myself in that situation.
        I don’t even know how it feels to be broody.

        “. i think there are tons of women out there who felt pressured into that life, and didn’t truly want it deep down, or who thought it was what they wanted because they didn’t know they had a choice to not want”

        Yes there have been women, especially decades ago, when not wanting kids was even more unheard of, who went on to have children and became horrible mothers, leaving their kids traumatised for life, because they actually didn’t want any children. They wanted a career, but then succumbed to the societal pressure of having offspring and became really frustrated and then vented that frustration out on their children,
        I applaud all people who know for sure that it is not their path to become parents in life; we are being spared many unwanted, traumatised children and future adults.

      2. sweet pea

        yeah it will always be so crazy to me how concerned and judgmental people are with another woman’s choice to not have children. not only is it a such a personal, intimate, totally-none-of-your-business thing, but also unless it’s a family member, another woman not having kids doesn’t affect your life one tiny bit. in fact it risks affecting you negatively as a member of society if they do have children. really i think so much of the pressure comes from how much people fear a woman who is whole and complete all on her own. can you just imagine a world full of confident women who love themselves, and who are whole and complete on their own? it would drastically change the balance of everything that exists.

        1. Holly

          ‘can you just imagine a world full of confident women who love themselves, and who are whole and complete on their own? it would drastically change the balance of everything that exists.’

          Wow Sweet Pea, I love this. And I’d like to add ‘who speak their truth anywhere and everywhere they please.’ Wouldn’t the world shift fast!

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